Just a Dream...

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10:45 a.m
Snow White's Apartment
Woodlands Luxury Apartment Complex

She was moving all over the bed, sweating and crying until finally her eyes opened. It had all been a bad dream, a horrible nightmare. She pulled herself out of bed and walked over to the bathroom where she washed her tear stained face and picked up her hair in a high and tight bun before entering the bathtub. She began to let the water run whilst she undressed. Just as she was about to enter the tub she heard a knock on the door. She grabbed her robe and went for the door. When she opened it there he was, the man she had just dreamed of with another woman. The reason of her tears that morning. Bigby. He seemed nervous and she could have swore that his cheeks had a small tint of pink in them. "Hey Snow, I see that you are busy so I'll just be back in a bit" he said as he turned away quickly. Snow grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside. "No,wait...please come inside. I was about to rake a bath but, I'm pretty sure that we are both mature enough to talk". She said. She closed the door and returned back to the tub that was now just the right tempeture with Bigby following behind. When she stepped in she heard him say a small "Wow". "What?" She asked. "I guess I do have the smallest apartment in the woodlands" he said pulling his signature smirk. "I guess... So Sheriff, what did you want to talk about ?" She said. "Ah yes, I was wondering about my trip to Canada with Cindy"
Snow made a face when he said Cindy's name. "What about it Mr.Wolf ?" She snapped. Bigby flinched at the sound of that title Mr.Wolf he hated to be called that, specially by Snow. "Well you see, we need to investigate remember?". Snow raised her eyebrows he just sighened and said "Where you even paying attention when I told you about the dead corpse they found?". "Corpse?" She asked. Bigby rubed his temple irritated and said "The dead dwarf? Cindy has been investigating and she has informed me that there is a very special lead in Canada and that there is some proof that the Adversary's door has opened. That's why me and Cindy need to go." He stated. She frowned when he said Cindy's name onece more. She stood up and Bigby turned away immediately. "What I don't understand is why Cindy why not me or Bluebeard?" She asked. He sighned and said " Simply because since you have been working for Crane, you became deputy mayor. Always busy, Bluebeard is a dick and another problem that I can avoid while me and Cindy are like meant to be. We are the MVP team. She is my partner in crime". He turned to face her, she was almost as red as her robe and smack Bigby's cheek was now matching too. "Meant to be? You have know her for what? Three years? And all of a sudden she becomes your partner? Don't bullshit me Sheriff, I've known you way longer and I've been by your side since day one. You can't tell me that she is your partner" she huffed as she entered her bedroom to get dressed and Bigby was still right behind. "Snow...Just...Argh..listen to me" he growled to get her attention. "Ms.White can you please explain to me why you are suddenly bothered by this? Are you jealous is that it?  Look, I know that you still see your ex-husband and have"
"Bigby you are walking on thin ice here watch yourself" she snapped as she pressed her finger against his warm and strong chest. "I can't Ms.Wait... I just don't understand why you are bothered by this even the asshole of Crane approved and you are just blocking me. Why?" He asked with a hint of hurt in his voice. She grabbed her wrists and pulled her towards him "Bigby I... Look, I'm angry because you are mixing work with personal affairs.. I am also jealous because Crane has me working all day and while I am on it you are getting approved to travel and have an escape from this dump" she said as she rested her head on his chest and began to cry. "Thank you... I'll take a team. It will be you , me, Cindy and Bluebeard. It will  be great you'll see. I'll leave you so you can get ready and have time to pack. I'll talk to Crane I'll be back in a few hours. Ok?" He whispered in her ear and kissed her  forehead before leaving the apartment. Leaving Snow trembling but of happiness and not anger. Oh Bigby She thought. She was finally leaving this dump for a few days and it was all thanks to him.

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