State of Matter

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12:45 a.m
Fable Hospital
Quebec, Canada
  It had been a really long day for Cindy and Bluebeard. Waiting all night for any kind of update on Bigby. The doctors had been working on him in intensive care all night. Cindy hadn't been able to eat or drink anything since they arrived at the hospital. Just the image of Bigby's lifeless body back in the car gave her  shivers.  Bluebeard had been taking all of the calls to prevent Cindy from saying something she would regret to Crane who had been all up in their ass about sending Snow alone back to Fabletown. Snow. Godammit, I had to open my fucking mouth. If I had just shut up, Bigby would be fine. With her but fine. She thought. Hours had passed and there was still no update on him. What they did get in fact was a very angry Mr.North and a aggravated Dr. Swinehart demanding to let them see Bigby. After arguing for what seemed like hours they decided to let Dr.Swinehart in since he seemed like the only person that could possibly save Bigby. Cindy had been the one to calm and comfort Bigby. He was furious and demanded an explanation for the state in which his favorite son was in. Cindy had to tell him everything. Cindy was prepared to get a dissapoitted look from him but instead she got what she would've least expected a Thank you. At that moment Dr.Swinehart came out to talk to them. Bothbif them jumped up at the same time while Bluebeard rushed to listen to any news on their sheriff. "Well?" Asked Mr.North hopefully. Dr.Swinehart sighed " I'm afraid that I have some bad news and some better news, which would you like to hear first?" He asked.  Mr.North took a deep breath and said "Cmon let's get this over with, bad news first".  Dr.Swinehart nodded and said "I'll be direct with y'all, the ejection of the car caused several injures and fractures. Now, the impact on the head caused a short term memory loss".  "What does that mean?" Asked Cindy. "We don't know yet, he could've lost days, weeks, months, even years but we won't know until he wakes up". Mr.North pulled his hair back with one hand while he placed the other one over his mouth. "I guess we could have it worse"mentioned Bluebeard as he placed a comforting hand on Mr.North's shoulder. "Uh I really don't know how to tell you but, there's more. Some of the broken shards that were an effect due to the ejection got into Bigby's eyes.He umm...well is now temporarily blind until  his healing factors can kickn in and get rid of them".  "Mr.North I'm truly sorry, I did all I could. Now the good news are as I said before that once the healing factors activate he'll be good as new. And he has been establized so you can now see him if you'd like". Mr.North nodded and followed Swinehart to see his son waking up. When they entered the room Bigby was moving and trying to sit up. His eyes were covered in bandages.  He was breathing fast and was getting nervous. Everything around him seems to sound extremely loud. And it hurt just to hear his heart beat. After his senses managed to set back in their place, he tried to talk. "Where am I?" He asked. Dr. Swine hart walked over to examine him and remove the bandages. "You are currently in the Fable Hospital in Quebec,Canada" said Swinehart.  "Do you know your name and do you recognize our voice?"he asked.
Bigby thought for a second before he said"Yes, I'm Bigby Wolf. You are Dr.Swine hart and the man at the door is my father."
"Wait how did you?" Said his father in shock. "You can't fool this nose. Plus I can see you"he smirked. "What you can see?" Asked Swinehart.  "Well kinda sorta. I see blue waves that show the outline of where things are" he responded as he scratched his hair. (That's some daredevil shit right there >:)  Turns out that Bigby wasn't completely blind due to his supernatural wolf senses. And thanks to his hearing, he could use the sound waves to create image perception. That night they returned to Fabletown. He remembered everything but, Snow. Which Cindy took to her advantage and gave him all kinds of faulty information on her. It was a long trip, but when they finally arrived at NY Bigby took a long bath in order to relax. With the help of his father, he got dressed and went to bed. Only to be awoken a couple of hours later by a knock on the door.

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