Chapter One

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°°Unedited so I'm sorry if there is any mistakes.°°

"Alex!" My sister's voice rang out loud and clear. "You have ten minutes!" Great!

"Why didn't you wake me up before?!" I jumped in the shower for about two minutes max. Then went to my closet and pulled out a crop top that has frills at the bottom. Then pulled on some white skinny jeans.

"Hey Jenna? Purple crop top and white skinnies?" I yelled down. She is like my outfit inspector.

"Add some hoops and throw on your purple and white striped heels n you'll be good!" Thank the moon goddess for her!

"Alright! Thanks!" I found my heels in Cassidy's closet. What a surprise. She is always stealing my heels and jewelry. Just not clothes, her boobs are only barely a 32A, whereas mine are a huge 36C. Ha! She does steal Jenna's clothes though. Jenna is a flat chest high school girl. I feel bad for her.

"Ok guys! No time for breakfast, you've got to go!" My dad yelled.

"Bye dad!" We all yelled.

Poor Cass has to go to the middle school. She is the only one who isn't a teenager, she won't be for a while. Her birthday just past about a month ago. We dropped her off at the middle school and now we are off to the high school. We have 3 cars for 5 of us. The only ones who can drive are Me, Leonard and Finn. So it works out. Jenna and Joe don't want to drive yet, so it's nice to have my own car.

"Alright get out girl!" I yelled at Jenna as we were parking. She just recently found her mate, Jared who is a rouge also. We live in a town about 34 miles from the closest pack. We don't stay in one town for long periods of time. Usually about 2-3 years. We are just now starting year three. We are going to be on the road by summer. Jared's family is also like that. So they will come with us.

"Are you sure you don't want me to wait for you? Jared can wait." I think that she feels bad for always ditching me, I actually kinda get bummed out about it too, but don't show it.

"No. Finn, Joe and I will hang out today. Leonard is going to talk to Stacy about her moving in with us." Stacy is Leonard's mate.

"Ugh. Don't remind me about that." Jenna and Stacy have a past. Jenna got bullied by her, but Stacy claims that Jenna bullied her. And of course, Leonard believes his mate. I have seen Stacy bully Jenna in the past, my dad has to. But Leonard doesn't care about his family when it comes to her.

"Alex?!" Finn interrupted my thoughts.

"What? I'm coming! My goodness!" I realized that if I don't Sprint up to the school, I'm in deep shit, because I'm already five minutes late.


"Alex! Language! Come on!!" Joe screamed from the front entrance of the school. Joe believes that the moon goddess would have never cussed, so when ever I let one slip, he freaks. Leonard, Me and Jenna say them the most. I believe that if the moon goddess didn't want to have us say those words, she would have put them on the forbidden list that all werewolves have known about since pre were. Pre were is the werewolf class before actual school.

"Alex! Ms. Ring sent me to come and find you. She is very mad!" Linne Crawford yelled/ whispered to me. She was the teachers pet. Of course she was the on that was sent to get me.

"Okay! I have a good reason... I erm... uh you see,"

"Save it for Ms. Ring." Linne cut me off.

Rude much? I thought to myself. Now I have to think up a logical excuse for the 600 year old Ms. Ring. Literally 600. Werewolves age different. You see, for every 10 years in human life time, werewovles age 1 year. That makes her about 60 in human years.

"Ms Monroe. How nice of you to join us." Ugh. Her voice is so annoying.

"Yah, um so I er..." Think Alex! I scolded myself. Lady problems! Perfect for an old person that would understand!

"Go on Alexria." She used my full name, Fuck this bitch!

"I had lady problems. Something that you lost awhile back. So if you don't mind!" I was getting annoyed, as you can see.

"Oh my! Yes yes of course honey sit please!" She didn't know a thing. Works every time. I chuckled to myself as she awkwardly walk back to her desk and started on with her next lesson. I hate going to an all werewolf school. We have different classes then regular schools, I guess it's because we aren't regular.

"Nice lie" Jake commented. He is the guy whore of the school. Always trying to hook up with someone.

"Why thank you. I do try." I replied.

"So you wanna get some of this at the party after the football game tonight?" He asked motioning to his manhood.

I started to giggle. That turned him on.


He grabbed my thigh when the teacher was turned around. "Baby, I know yah want me, so why wait?" He was getting impatient. I decided to tease him a little.

I grabbed his hand and started drawing circles on top of it. "Well... if you insist..." I said in my sexiest most seducing voice ever.

"Yes. That would be great..." He was to easy to mess with. Exactly 15 seconds before the bell rang. I had to time my words right.

"So baby, maybe we could always yah no..." He was in heaven right now, I was purposely showing off chest cleavage. 5 seconds.

"Yah know, it's not gonna a happen!" I yelled before grabbing my bag and dashing out the door. His face was priceless.

As I was getting into my locker, an alarm sounded. In this school and alarm only means one thing, attack.


A/N Cliffhanger. So I love you if your reading this and can you please refer your friends to it? Thanks! I love werewolf stories so yah. Thanks so much for reading!


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