Chapter Eleven

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Sorry bout mistakes.

"Alex! Run!" Carter shouted at me.

"No way! I'm not going to let you die Carter!" He was crazy if he thought I was going to stand for this. I needed him. For me, and our baby. I got pushed out of my thoughts when hands wrapped around me and started running me to the pack house. I started thrashing until I realized it was Kane who was carrying me.

"Alex. Stop moving. I'm taking you home. Look after the women in the basement. Cass is down there now, helping." He told me, increasing his speed as the vamps inched closer to us. They could travel faster on foot, so Kane shifted, me right behind him.

Are you okay? Carter asked through our mind link

Yah. Entering the house now. Carter please be careful. I can't lose you... I pleaded.

I won't ever leave you baby. I love you.

I love you too. I replied to him.

"Okay. Imma go fight. Bye Luna." Kane bowed his head respectfully after leading me to the basement.

"Yah...Bye." I said back to him. When he walked out, I went to the basement tunnels and found a room at the end with women and children. Cass came up to me.

"Get your ass out there! I am handling this fine. Go get Courtney and move!" She yelled at me. I nodded in understanding.

I ran to Courtney and she followed me when I gave her a look that says, we-aren't-cowards-so-let's-go-kick-some-ass. We headed back out of the tunnels and ran up the basement stairs. I jumped out o the house door, shifted in mid air, with Courtney right behind me. We ran at full speed into the woods.

When we reached the battlefield, a vampire...Freddie's friend, saw me and ran to me. I snarled at him and attacked him. He got a good claw mark to me stomach, but then he was done. I bit his leg to slow him down and the snapped his neck. He was not going to hurt my baby.

Carter must have picked up my scent because he came running over just as Freddie was coming up behind me. I ducked as Carter leapt over me and snapped at Freddie's throat.

Courtney was busy with a vampire, but she would last. Then I spotted Kane get strangled-in wolf form- by a young, muscular vampire. I ran over and tackled the vamp off of him. Kane got up and threw himself and another vampire approaching us. I nodded towards him as the vampire took hold of my leg and thrust me to the ground.

I howled out in pain. And within two seconds, Carter was at my side. He got the vampires grip off of my leg. Then, within another two seconds, his neck was snapped. Carter came up to me and nuzzled me with his snout. I gave him a lick on the nose before running away to go kick some vampire ass.

What the hell Alex?! Carter asked through our mind link.

Your were crazy to ever think that I would let you fight put here without me. I love you Carter and I'm not going to grow old without a mate and I'm not going to let our child grow up without a father... I told him and then I blocked him out.

A vampire swung itself at me and I snapped my mouth at his neck. He dodged and tried to get his fangs into my stomach. H was going to until Hunter came and threw him off of me.

Thank you Hunter. I told him from my mind link.

No problem Luna. He said. I hate it when he calls me Luna.

Do not call me that Hunter! You are a friend! Call me Alex! I demanded him.

Yes Lu- Alex. He obeyed.

Thanks. Now, ahhhhhhhhh. I screamed into the link when a vampire came up behind me and stuck an electronic net on me, making me feel really dizzy.

"No. Stay with me Alex!" I heard Carter yell. The vampires must have left.

"Shit!" I heard Courtney say.

"Someone get the doctor. GINGER?!" Carter was freaking out. I wasn't gone yet...

Would it be real hard to pass out? Apparently not.

I blacked out.

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