Chapter Six

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Alex^^^^^^^She looks beaten right?¿?

Sorry for mistakes! :)

Alex's POV

The Vampire king lunged himself at Carter. They both toppled to the ground. Carter through a punch and started yelling at the vampire.

"You are a no good loser Freddie!" He yelled, so I'm guessing that the vampire king is Freddie.

"You are an asshole Carter!" Freddie yelled back. I was so lost.

A boy about 18 or so came in and just jumped on me. I was in shock, so he got a good punch on me. I shifted as soon as I was aware of the situation.

He extracted his fangs and I got my claws and canines out as well. He aimed for my neck but I luckily dodged it. I scratched him in his face and got pretty close to his eye.

When I glanced over, Carter had Freddie pinned on the ground. Freddie looked almost unconscious. Good. I thought. I kind needed. Carter's help. What? This guy was a year or more older than me, and a vampire. He elbowed me in the stomach an I punched him in the nose. I heard a crack. Sweet. I thought to myself.

The Vampire toppled.over me an pinned me on the ground, even in wolf form I couldn't get out of his grip.

"Not so scary now huh?" He commented.

Right when he was about to bite me, Carter cam an pushed him off of me. He snapped his neck and he was gone. I shifted and Carter threw me a shirt. I gladly took it. When I got done changing, Carter came over to me.

"Damn it Alex. I was so worried." He had tears in his eyes. Awww!

"Its okay. Nothing to cry about tough one." I laughed and he blushed.

"Shut up. I couldn't loose you. I know we aren't that close, but I want to change that. Go out with me tonight?" Aww. He was so nervous. I was gonna tease him!

"Uh well I might have something going on..." I commented. His face immediately fell. I chuckled to myself.

"I'm just joking! I would love to Carter!" And I wasn't lying. I really wanted to spend time with him.

He kissed me right then and there. At first I didn't respond, but then I did an it felt so good and perfect. Our lips moved in sync and it was like we were ment to do this since the beginning. He bit my lower lip, begging for entrance, that I granted right away. Our tongues fought for dominance, but of course, the man wins. We went on like that for minutes. Then I realized I need to breath.

I broke away first, catching my breath. He leaned our foreheads together. We just stood there in silence, but a good kind of silence. The Carter spoke up.

"We should get going. I don't want to lose a lot of men." He told me.

"Okay." I replied. I was so worn out from the kidnapping to the beatings to the heated make out session.

I started walking but Carter grabbing my arm an went cold stone. He was looking at my thigh, were Freddie grabbed me.

"What the hell is that?" Ok, he was scaring me now.

"I-I-it's a-a-a mark." I stuttered.

He pulled out his phone and called someone. "I'm in the basement of the cell house, Freddie is alive, but unconscious." I could here mumbling on the other end. "Yes...mhm....Alright, bye."

Carter pulled me close. "I will get him back, I promise." He whispered into my ear.

With that, we walked out of the underground town.


The next morning, I woke up so sore. We ended up not going our last night. Iowa way to tired. But we are tonight. H also refuses to tell me where we are going. Ugh! I hate surprises!!

I turned over in the bed to find myself face to face with Carter. I jumped a little an Then settled down. This was actually nice. I looked dat and admired his face.

"Its not nice to stare." He said. I got embarrassed and blushed.

"I wasn't staring" I told him.

"Yah right." He said. I turned over, getting ready to get out of bed but his strong arms pulled me back.

"No." He said.

"Erg! I need to shower Carter!" I told him, my voice rising.

"Nope." He said an piled me closer to him.

With that, I might as well sleep.

I will make the next chapter better! There gonna go out!! I'm so excited to.write the next chapter!

200 reads plz?!!! Thank you!

Love you! :) :P


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