Chapter Two

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Faster. I tell myself to run faster.

When an alarm sounds, you are told to run home, to evacuate, to safe yourself.

But what if I don't want to run anymore? What if I want to die? What if I want my siblings back?

Jenna, Joe, Leonard, I love you.

Why moon goddess? Why did you do this to me? Why did you let me even see them dead? Why did you let me see the fang marks of the vampire attackers on them? Why moon goddess, why?

My thoughts are not straight. I just saw part of my life gone, no more, dead.

"No" I whisper to myself as I see my other brother, Finn laying down on the ground along with my dad... blood surrounded them.

No no no. They aren't dead. The rest of my family aren't dead. The moon goddess wouldn't. Why wouldn't she? I haven't done anything to her... good or bad.

I try to hold in a sob, incase the vamps are still around. Would it really matter if I'm dead? Wouldn't I be happier? I would be with my family. But what about Cass? Is she alive? Did it hit the middle school too? This thought makes me run faster, towards the middle school since no one is home.

I finally arrive at the middle school. The attack has not hit, it may and it may not. I have to warn the school... just incase.

I find the sign that is marked office. I went straight in and told the lady, most likely about 250 or so,

"Vampires attacked the high school. You need to have every parent come and pick up their kid. It's not safe in this territory." I was panting like a dog from running and worrying.

"Are you sure honey?" She looked at me with a worried expression.

"Of course. And if you don't believe me, it's your loss of those kids if they decide to come here too. I am pulling my only family left, Cassidy Monroe, out of class."

"Okay honey." She turned on the loud speaker and told Cassidy to come to the office. Then she told all students to pack their things and be ready to go home, or hide. I smiled to myself. I just might have saved hundreds of lives and if not-

"Ok, what is it?" Cassidy interrupted my thoughts. She looked over at me and got instantly scared and worried. The only time I pulled her out of school was when dad had his fight with other rogues trying to break into our home.

"Cass, we need to leave ASAP. I'll explain later."

"Ok. Bye Mrs. Richardson" She waved to the lady I talked to.

We just walked outside and I became very protective over my sister. I took her hand and started running to our home.


"Alex!" Cass panted, "What is this about? And where is the rest of our household?"

I couldn't hold it in. I started to cry. Cassidy noticed me and she came over and sat by me.

"V-v-va-vamps." I cried.

"No." She said. Her eyes started to get teary. I shook my head yes, ans she cried with me.

"All of them?" She asked. I nodded.

"I know we should bury them, but they would want us to live okay? We need to pack very few things. Pack one more set of clothes and an extra hoodie. Use your pink bag with zipper pockets inside. Put you bathroom stuff in there okay? I will do the same. We need to use the rest of the space for food and water. Bring one thing that's really special to you." She nodded and I gave her a hug then went to my room to pack some things.

I packed a pair of sweat pants, and a aero postile tank top. Then I went to Joe's room and grabbed his hoodie and put it on me. Then I got one of Leonard's hoodies and put it in my bag. I went to Finn's room and grabbed his favorite shark tooth necklace. My dad's sneakers were really comfy so I decoded that's what I would bring of his, I took off my heels and replaced them with the sneakers.

When I walked out to the kitchen, I saw that Cassidy had the same idea. She had on Joe's hoodie too, Leonard's shoes and Finn's earrings. She packed all of Jenna's clothes. She gave  me Jenna's favorite stuffed animal.

I got into the refrigerator and put about 12 water bottles in Cassidy's bag, then put canned and dry food into my bag. Then we were off.


"Where are we?" After about an hour of walking, we took out water and drank a bottle each. Then we continued walking. It's been about a half hour since then. I think we are in the Redstone pack territory, the most powerful pack in the continent. 

"Redstone I believe. We need to move faster Cass. We can't afford to get caught."

"Oh well, that's not gonna work out good now is it?" A deep voice sounded behind us.


"P-please, don't h-hurt us-s." I stuttered.

"See honey, that's not going to work. Where we come from-the Redstone pack- you aren't allowed to let a rogue go unharmed." The buff man said. He was most likely beta. I had Alpha blood in me. My father decided to give the alpha position to my cousin, since I was 'to weak' when I was really stronger than my cousin.

"I have alpha blood. I can out run you." I snarled towards him.

"But can your precious little friend here do that as well?" Another deep voice sounded behind me. I was starting to freak out. I would never leave Cass. So I guess regardless that I'm screwed.

"Come on Kyle, let's take these rogues back to the cellars where Alpha Carter can inspect her."


"Alpha, we have a teen and a child rogue. They-" He got cut off Cass yelling.

"I'm 12! Not a child!" I was so pissed at her right now.

"Cass! Shut up the hell up!" I scolded her.

"As I was saying alpha, they were found on the West side of the territory." The beta confirmed.

"Alright, do what you want. I smell strawberries. I'll be back." The alpha, I'm assuming Carter, confirmed to the beta. I smelt chocolate. It smelt so good-

'Mate' My wolf, Riley said. 'Go to mate...Mate close by.' I was about to question her, but then the beta started talking.

"Ok. I'm going to take you out of the cell and give you some of my magic." He told me. Great, more abusing.

He brought out the key to the cell and took me out. I sat in a chair and got a slap to the face. That'll leave a mark. I thought to myself. He was about to hit me again when the Alpha burst through the door.

'Mate' I hope that didn't mean what I thought it meant. Oh my goddess! No way!

"STOP!" He bellowed. His voice was so deep and sexy it- "Mine." He motioned to me and then slammed the beta up against the wall. That left him unconscious.

"Mine!" He repeated. I was scared as hell! What if he hurt me? What if it will be like my last life?! He strode toward me and lift me out of the chair. As if reading ny mind he said,

"I would never hurt you kitten." With that he brought me into his buff arms and held me tight. I felt safe in his arms, like I was almost... okay.

"Lets go to our house and get you cleaned up." He told me.

"I'm not leaving without my sister." I stated. And that was the truth. I will not leave without her.

"Ugh...fine." he sounded angry. Was it so wrong of me to want my sister with me? He got out a key and unlocked my sister's cell. She  ran up to me and hugged me. Carter growled.

"Calm down." I told him. I hugged her back and then said to follow us.

°°°Please tell me if you like this story! How old do you think I am? Just wondering!°°°


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