Chapter Four

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Sorry for mistakes! Luh yuh bruhs!!

"And I will take the French toast combo." I told the waitress that was taking our order. She nodded and took one last look at Carter before walking away. I growled at her and she gave me a weird look. Obviously a human.

"Well, someone gets jealous easy. But I like it. Your cute when you get jealous." Carter smirked.

"I am not jealous." I told him matter-of-factly. He started chuckling under his breath.

"Fine. You wanna play like that?" I asked him. He stopped laughing when I got up and walked toward a guy I saw in the pack house. I sat down on his lap and started talking to him. He started talking to me too.

"So your from around here?" The guy asked me.

"Yah, I-" Carter came over and picked me up over his shoulder, then sat me in the booth.

"Don't you ever do that to me again Alex!"

"Why! Your cute when you jealous!"

"Alex!" My sister Cassidy came in panting like a dog. "Vamps! They're here!" I jumped up and hugged her, thank God she was okay. I couldn't bare to loose her, she's my only family. Carter was getting up now.

"What do you mean vamps?" He was looking a little pale.

"They are attacking your pack! They are strong too! Please we have to go! Your pack is holding on but not by much."

Carter jumped up and took me with him. I took Cassidy's hand and dragged her to he car with us. We sped down the road, only to find many puddles of blood. When we got home Carter started yelling out orders. The vamps were still fighting well.

"You need to go to the basement and run through the tunnel. You will find most of the women and children there." Carter said to me.

"No I'm not going. I'm going to fight. I am not weak Carter!" I stated to him.

"Cass go where he just said." I told my little sister.

"You to Alex!" Carter yelled at me.

"There is no way in hell that I am going! I'm fighting wether you like it or not."

Carter wasn't happy, but he finally agreed. He took Cass to the house and then told me to stay with him.

A wolf pounced on me. I shifted into my white wolf with one black ear. I kicked him off. It was a large male. Most likely the beta or third in command. He came back at me and slash at my stomach, he would have hit it if Carter hadn't gotten on top on him an  rolled him off of me.

I played there for a second until I felt someone pick me up, I couldn't feel sparks so it wasn't Carter. I looked up to see a guy about 20 and he has fangs. I tried to jump out of his grasp, but he was to quick for me. He tightened his grip on me and told me to shift out of my wolf.

"If you don't shift now, the war will go on and I can guarantee that we will win." The man-vampire smirked. I shifted and he threw me a shirt. After I put on the shirt, I noticed that the war still wasn't calming down.

"Please, I'll do anything. Just don't hurt this pack!" Or my mate. I added silently in my head. He walked me into the woods an  let out a sigh.

"My guys will leave after I take you to my house. Then I will have some fun!" He started getting an evil grin on his face.

He dragged me through the woods and shoved me in his car. After about an hour of driving, we got to a house. It was about a one room house.We went down three flights of stairs and ended up in a town...underground!

"Hey! You got the girl!" A teen about 15 years old said. How bad!!

"Yep! We are gonna have some fun with this one!" He took me into a town jail and dragged me in down three more flights of stairs to the silver cells. He sat me in a chair and hit me. Right in the face. It hurt, but I've had worse things done to me.

"You little bitch!" He said. What did I ever do to him? I thought to myself.

He punched me in my stomach and I groaned. Then he got me up and through me into a cell.

"No screaming, or you die."

I need Carter! He will save me. Right?


Carter's POV

No,no,no! Alex is not gone! All of the vamps just left. They just got up and said PAUSE. Then they left. I knew it was strange, so I looked for Alex. I can't find her.

"Alpha Carter!" My beta, Kane yelled. "We have men down!"

"Get John to take them to the hospital. Get someone else to let the women and children out of the cellar room. Alex-YOUR LUNA- is missing. I think Freddie took her." Kane stiffened and muttered yes to me. I got some men together and started looking.

I want, no, need, my mate. She is my rock, my other half, whatever. I need her in my arms. I want to taste her lips already! I haven't even got to that without her being stolen!

Me and a group of about 20 or so of my strongest warriors went on search of my mate.


Do yah guys like it?! Please please please refer to your friends! Love you all!


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