Chapter Twenty

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Plz excuse mistakes;)

Carter's POV

She was back. She was really back. She loves me and she's going to stay with me. I'm going to make this right. I have to. I'm laying in our bed with Alex asleep. She fainted and I flipped out, but it turns out that she was just stressed and tired.

I was so happy right now. Cass has gone away for this month with her mate. That's right, a 12 year old found her mate. It's one of the most rare things that happen to werewolves. Her mates name is Daniel. He is fourteen, two years older than Cass. The good thing is that he is Kane's little brother. He was raised well, so he won't pressure Cassidy into doing anything.

I have yet to tell Alex about this. I will when she wakes up though. We are going out to eat at her favorite restaurant. This is where I'm going to propose to her. I'm going to have the ring hidden in her wine. She always gets wine when we are there, so I figure it will work out. If not, I'm screwed.

Honestly, I am so very nervous. I mean, what if she said no? We haven't been on the best terms lately... I'm just scared.

My phone rings on the bedside table. I look at the caller ID. It's Cassidy.

"Hey Cass." I say.

"Hey. How's Alex? In really worried-OW! Danny! Stop!-"

"Cass..." I don't like the sounds of this.

"Anyways, how is she?" She asked again.

"She is good. Sleeping right now. We are going out later today. I am very nervous." I had already told he  of how I'm going to propose.

"Oh. Well then. I wish you lu-Danny! Quit, I'm on the phone!"

"Mhm. Baby..." I heard the boy whisper. That got me going. Cass was like a sister to me, no boy is laying a hand on her.

"What the hell Cassidy?!" I yelled into the phone.

"N-nothing." She said in between breaths. "Bye..." She hung up on me.

Great. She could be getting raped. I know Daniel wouldn't do that, but they were doing something alright.

"Mmm. Carter?" I heard Alex groan. I sat back on the bed and pulled her to my lap.

"Yes baby?" I asked.

"What is the time?" I chuckled as she rubbed her eyes.

"2:43" I said, glancing at my alarm clock.

She shot off of my lap. "What? What day is it? When are we going out?!"

"Umm... Tuesday, you slept for about 5 hours. We are going out tonight at 7." I pulled her towards me and kissed her passionately. She returned the favor and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I picked her up off the ground and had her wrap her legs around my waist. When she was done, I grabbed her ass and squeezed. She let out a moan and I chuckled. She started to grab other places, as well did I and we ended up on the bed until we fell asleep in the comfort of each others arms.


Alex's POV

I loved this. I fucking loved this.

We were on the bed together with no worry in the world. I wish it could always be like this. But it can't, I have to confront Carter. He hurt me and I would like some answers.

I all of a sudden felt a pair of buff arms wrap around me. I could smell his perfect scent. Oh, how I missed this! I smiled and turned around so I was facing him. I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck as he kissed and nipped at my exposed skin.

"Good morning baby." He said licking my mark. I shivered at his touch.

"Hello." I replied, getting anxious for an explanation.

"Ok. Alright... I needed you and you denied me. Julie caught my eye at the party. She wanted me way more than I wanted her. I didn't even really want her, I just had a need that you wouldn't take care of and she wanted to. I know that it was very wrong babe, and I'm sorry. I want to have the rest of my 800 years with you, I want to raise our little Katelyn with you. I love you with all my heart baby and I'm so sorry." He explained. I felt tears in my eyes.

"C-c-Carter..." I tried to say.

"Oh baby. Please don't cry. I'm so sorry. I love you." He said.

"I l-love you." I stuttered. Looking at the time, I freaked out. 4:02! I only have like three hours. "Kay babe. I gotta get a shower..."

"Oh. Well..." He tried. I was not going to let this happen.

"NOPE!" I yelled, running an  locking the bathroom sport behind me.

This was going to be one hell of a night.

Sorry... next chapter will have a MAJOR event!!

My new goal is 530! Plz get meh there! Love u all! XXOXX


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