Chapter Seven

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:):):) ^^^^^^^^^

Excuse da mistakes please:)

We pulled into the diner's parking lot and got out of the car.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Carter asked me as we were sitting into a booth.

"I dunno. Tell me about yourself." I wanted to know about him if I was going to be with him.

"Ok well... My name is Carter Mathews, I am 19 and alpha of the Redstone pack. My favorite color is dark green. I love any kind of meat, my parents died when I was 15 and ever since my uncle John has taken care of me. I don't have any siblings and my best friend is my third in command-gamma- Mike. That is pretty much it. So what about you?" He asked me when he finished.

"Well... My name is Alex Monroe, I am 17 and the ex-daughter of the former alpha Reggie from the Blue moon pack. (If I mentioned her old pack earlier, plz tell me.) My favorite color is light blue, and I love pasta. I ran away from home when I was 13 because my own parents abused me, including my alpha/father. Then I met my new family, but like I said before... So yah." I told him.

The waitress came and took our order. Carter got a chicken with barbeque sauce and corn. I ordered an Alfredo with Mashed potatoes. Yum! I couldn't wait until she came back with our food.

"Alex, I want to mark you. I see how guys look at you, unmated ones especially. I need them to know that you are mine." I thought about it. Would it be that bad? I might actually like it...

"" I said holding out the e at the end.

He took my hand in his. "Alex. I want you to be okay with this." He said turning all serious.

" am. It lot to take in..." I sighed. I really did want this though. I knew that I did.

"Are you sure?" Carter broke into my thoughts.

"Yes Carter. I am sure. I want to be yours." I told him. With that he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the woods behind the diner.

We kissed for a minute or two, then broke apart. He trailed kisses down my neck and then got to the spot where my mark will be very soon. He licked it and I fought hard to hold back a moan. Then his teeth dug into my skin and I screamed in pain and agony. But it was all soon filled with sweet pleasure. And weakness.

I fell to the ground and Carter went down with me.

"Are you alright?" He asked worried. I nodded, to tired to speak. We cuddled and laid there for about an hour before I fell asleep. It was all to easy with his arms protecting me from any dangers in the world.


"No! Carter stop!" I yelled at Carter who was about to throw me into the water of the ocean.

When I woke up from my nap I found myself in our bed. I then had to get ready for Carter and I's date.

°2hrs earlier°

"If I were a guy, I'd bang you." Courtney, Kane's sister said. We have became good friends since I woke up today and She helped me get ready for my date. I was wearing a bright pink crop top with long sleeves, and matching leggings. I had my black knee high, heeled boats on and my hair curled into perfect spirals.

"Ha. Thanks. I'm really nervous. Is that normal?" I asked her.

"Yes honey. It is. My first date with Hunter was so scary, but I never regretted going." Hunter is her mate. She is a year older than me. I really look up to her for advice, especially about the whole mate thing...

"Come on Alex!" I heard Carter yell from downstairs.

"Hear goes nothing." I told myself.

°present time°

It was after our date that Carter decided to take me to the beach and start trotting to the water. I could not get this outfit ruined!

"Stop STOP STOP!" I yelled, my voice getting louder every time. He stopped walking but didn't put me down.

Instead, he slid me over him so I was face him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and stared at him. Our lips were so close, I could feel his perfect breathing right on my lower lip. His eye flickered from my eyes to my lips.

"I really want to kiss you right now Alex, but if I do, I won't be able to stop there." He told me.

"Who said you have to?" I replied.

He kissed me harshly and clothes went flying while we were laying on the soft sand as a blanket. Thank God it wasn't loose sand, I don't want that inside me.

We grabbed and kissed and had fun. Let's just say, we never went home that night.


I don't do explicit scenes,so don't expect me to. That is about all your goin to get. **sorry**

Thank you guys soooo much for all the reads! My next goal is 240! Please get meh there!!

Love you all!!


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