Chapter Five

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Alex is up above^^^^^ at least I picture her like that.

Sorry for mistakes!

Alex POV

"We need her in order to real them in dad!" I heard the vampire who stole me say to his dad. They weren't very smart to talk in front of me. If I ever escaped... which I will, I could tell Carter everything. Speaking of Carter, I need him.

My wolf is acting weird and she is getting weaker every day that we are not with him. I am surprisingly missing him too. And Cass, I hope she is alright.

'We need mate' My wolf, Stacy, whimpered.

'I know, I just nee  to get out of here without touching the silver.' I told her.

"Dad! I am the King! I make  the decisions and I say we don't kill her!  That is finale!" For once, I like this douche.

The Vampire king and his dad left. A man about in his early twenties came in. He wasn't that bad.

'Stop! We only look at mate!' Stacy scolded me.

He came over and unlocked the cell. I hope that I wasn't getting beat again.

"You need to eat. Here." He said, giving me a plate with toast and eggs.

"Thank you." I told him as he gave me water. I gladly took it and drank about half the bottle before asking, "What time is it?" He gave me a weird look.

"Uh, about noon. Why?" He was looking curious and a bit nervous, maybe thinking that Carter would be coming. I hope so.

"I just want to know how long I've been here." It has been about 2 days. I am really getting anxious. What if Carter didn't care about me as much as I thought he did? What if he's not looking? What if, what if, what if. I am stressing myself out!

"Okay, well I'm taking this plate away... listen, I'm sorry." He mumbled the last part out, but I still heard it. Then, he left me to cry myself asleep.


I woke up to the King yelling at me.

"You little piece of shit!  Get the hell up!" Again, what did I do to him?

"Ok. Why are you doing this?" I asked him. I was so friggin confused!

"Your mate is going to pay." He told me. Oh God, I can only imagine what Carter did. It looked like it was only me and him in here. Maybe if he took me out of here, I could shift and escape.

"Get your sexy ass up. I'm gonna have some fun with you." Oh my gosh no! Ugh! I Dobt want to have anything to do with this man, let alone sexuality!

"No." I said.

"What? Yes you are getting up. NOW." He yelled. I flinched at his voice. I got up an  He unlocked my cell for me to walk out. He took me by the waist and started kissing me down the neck. I shivered at his touch, and it was not a good shiver either.

"S-stop." I stuttered.

"I don't think so baby." He turned me around so I was facing him and loved me up. He squeezed my butt and kissed me passionately. I was going to puke.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

"No!" He yelled back and started to push me into him harder. This was not how I wanted me first make out session to be. I've had my first kiss, so he didn't steal that from me.

I let out a moan as he trailed kisses down my neck and got to my spot that a mark was suposse to be.

He chuckled as he said "Carter hasn't marked you yet, should I?" He asked excitedly. I shook my head violently as someone burst through the door.

"NO!" A familiar voice rang through the room.


Carter's POV

"Go through very quietly." I whispered to Kane. We were at the out lines of the vampires underground territory. I could faintly smell Alex's scent. I swear if he does anything...

I got cut off of my thoughts by Kane. "The rest of the warriors and teenage boys who can shift are here alpha." He told me. I nodded and started walking.

We got underground and I heard Alex yell STOP from somewhere. I could smell her and Freddie's scent...together. That just posses me off over the edge. I started running towards her scent, faster than fast. When I reached the end, I saw a building with cells.

I went all the way to the basement of the building, where her scent as  the strongest. I found Freddie kissing her and whispering in her ear.

"Carter hasn't marked you yet, should I?" He asked her with a chuckle. No, that was not going to happen!

She started shaking her head violently and I could see fear written across her face. That made my heart ache, being away from her was hard enough, but this was just bullshit! I was putting this to an end... starting with Freddie.

"NO!" I screamed at him.

That is when hell broke loose.

A/n I am so happy I have 158 reads!! I love you guys sooo much! ;) 

Let's try for 200 reads plz?! Thank you all!!

Luh yuh bruhs!


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