Chapter three

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Carter is up above^^^^^^^ that at least how I picture him. :)

°°sorry about mistakes!!°°

"Carter!" I yelled as he was dragging me through the house. Cass got a room with a girl a little older than her, but not so much that I'm worried. Carter was not giving me a house tour and it looks like my hand is my leash.

"Carter! Let go of my hand!" He ignored me once again. I was getting irritated. Now, I'm gonna show him what he's up against. I don't think he know about me being an alpha's daughter...

"Carter if you don't let go of me fucking hand you will be sorry!" I screamed in his ears. That got me a chuckle and still, a tight holding grip. Alright, I tried to be nice.

I grabbed onto his wrist and twisted. He moaned and tried to get out of my gripp. Tried. I twisted more and kicked him in the stomach were I learned the hard way that it hurts the most. He was catching on and decided to fight back. He kicked my left shin and that made me fall. He stared down at me. "Sorry baby, you might have beta blood but I'm an Alpha." He stated.

Then I kicked him in the ass, from the ground may I remind you, and then kicked his back kneecap. He fell, I jumped up. "I'm an Alpha warrior." I laughed before walking out the front door, only to see about 300 pairs of eyes on me. The all gasped at the sight of me.

I got dirty looks from the sluts who wanted to be with my mate. My mate. Sounded....right. I got some lustful looks from the guys without a mate yet. And just shocked faces from the rest of them. I just about beat their alpha. Ha!

"Get the Fuck back to your business!" Carter yelled. "Stop starring at my mother fucking mate!" He was angry. Everyone ran away and started giving me different looks again.

"Hey Alpha." I said. I was about to pee myself I was laughing so hard.



"No! You disrespected your alpha-"

"Your not my alpha." I cut him off of his stupid speech to me. "I am still a rogue, and I don't want to be part of your pack! You are not my alpha! If I were to ever become Luna, we would be equals! You won't do this to me Carter!" I was screaming at him and he was so shocked, he had a total blank expression. I couldn't read anything off of his face.


"Save it!" I walked right past him to our so called room. He was following me up and I could here his footsteps behind me. I couldn't resist him for long...

'Mate, don't be mad at mate! He loves us!' My wolf was screaming in my head. I blocked Her put because I didn't want to hear her anymore. Mostly because I new she was right.

"Alex!" I hurried up and locked the door to the room. Then I looked around.

It was neat, probably not used for anything except sleeping. He had bookshelves and a desk with a laptop. The books remind me of my home, I loved reading. Mike and Leonard would always get me books for an occasion. I remember when I got my first bookshelves at the age of 15. I was so happy, because I really needed it! Memories being tears to my eyes I feel a teardrop slide down my face. I don't want to cry, I want to show Carter that I'm strong, but right now I can't be strong.

Carter starts banging the door and yelling again.

"Alex, I'm going to knock this damn door down!" And that is what he did.

For some reason I start sobbing. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I sob in front of him, then he treats me like a girl, not an Alpha warrior. He came over and hugged me.

"If I'm that scary, I'm sorry." That made me smile. I was stupid to think that I could resist him for a whole day. But that does not mean that I like him.

"I-it's n-n-not you-u." I stuttered. "Y-your room r-r-reminds m-me of m-ine b-back home." I tried to calm down. I couldn't. Carter held me there until he spoke up.

"Where is the rest of your family?"

I smirked "The ones that abused me and I ran away from when I was 13 or the one that I loved and cared about until now because they got killed by vamps?" I looked at the floor when I said that. He held me closer and closer the top of my forehead. He sent sparks through my body and I got goosebumps all over me.

He noticed the effect he had on me and smirked. Then his face turned into a frown. "Vamps?" He started to look a bit anxious.

"Yah. They attacked our school and killed a bunch of people, my family included." I started getting teary eyed again.

"I'm so sorry Alex. I'll never let myself leave you." He comforted me. I pushed tighter towards him and rested my head on his chest. He laid us down on the bed and pulled the comforter over us. "Do you want me to leave?" He asked in a very faint voice that I could barely hear it.

"No" I said quietly.

"Okay." He replied.

"Okay." I chuckled to myself.

"What's so funny?" He obviously doesn't know what The Fault In Our Stars is.

"We just had a TFIOS moment."

"Oh my God. You aren't one of those girls who cry in every movie when it's just the guy and girl breaking up are you?!"

"No!" I lied.

"Whatever. Good night Alex."

"Good night se- Carter." Sexy man? Glad I cut that one off before I said it!


I woke up we strong arms wrapped around me. I tried to pry myself out of Carter's grip, but after 15 minutes, I decided that I should just wake him up.

"Ahhhhh! Raper!! Ahhhh!" I screamed. That got him up really fast! He jumps up and out of bed, ready to fight...kill. I started laughing so hard I cried.

"What the Fuck Alex! I thought you were gonna die!" He yelled. I was still in my clothes that I change into when we got here, Sweats and Leonard's hoodie.

"Nope, but I would have if you squeezed me any harder." With that I ran downstairs and hid in the cupboard.

I heard foot steps and two men talking.

"Damn it Kane! Your the beta, take care of it! I have to find my mate!" Carter growled loudly.

"Yes alpha. I will get right to on my own... after breakfast." The beta, Kane, said. He walked into the kitchen and I could hear his footsteps getting closing with every breath. No no no. Not over here! I thought in my head! Of course, with my luck, he opened the cupboard I was in and chuckled under his breath.

"Carter!" Kane yelled. I shook my head no, but of course, he didn't see me.

"Yah?" Carter yelled back from where ever he was.

"I found your goddamn princess here in the cupboard." That asshole! He didn't have to tell him where my hiding spot was! I gave him a glare.

Carter came tumbling through the door way. "Where?!" He got out, on shaky breaths.

"To right here." Kane sidestepped me. Then Carter saw me. A look of relief flooded over his face. Then he started walking toward me.

"Hi." I said with a nervous voice.

"Hi." He replied back, and reached out his hand to me. Hid blonde hair fell down over his forehead as he bend down to grab me up in his arms, bridal style. When I didn't let him, he picked me up and through me over his shoulder.

"Put me down you crazy mother fucker!" I yelled. I punched his butt and back. Then I bit him on the shoulder. He put me down then.

"Don't fucking bite me again Alexria!" He yelled. How does he know my full name?! "And, we are going to the diner. Walk with me." He said in a softer voice.

And with that, we were off to the diner... together.

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