Chapter fifteen

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Excuse mistakes plz!

Carter's POV

I was perched up in a tree near the outhouse that led into cells. I new that Alex was there because I could faintly smell her scent lingering in the air. It made me sick to know that Freddie and her are in there...together.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Freddie dragging my my baby under the tree I was in. I looked at him in disgust. He was kissing my girl and putting his hands on her.

Carter help me. He's going to rape me. I know it. Help me. I heard Alex's voice in my head.

That's not gonna happen. I replied back.

Why wouldn't it? She asked with confusion. I snickered under my breath.

Look up. I said. She glanced up and saw. She smiled but then Freddie grabbed her ass and she winced. That made me snap.

I jumped out of the tree and threw myself at Freddie. We continued to topple over each other until I got a good shot at his throat. That made him collapse into a dead-like form. But I knew better now. My warriors came out from their hiding spots.

"Thank you all for being willing to fight with me. We will kill this man." I said, motioning to Freddie. "And we will do it proud!" I yelled.

Alpha, would you like for me to take him back? Kane asked through our mind link.

Yes. I said back. He ran up and put Freddie over his shoulders. I nodded to him and turned to Alex.

I had my mate back.

Alex's POV

Kane just ran up and grabbed Freddie off of the ground. I glanced around and saw all of the males who can shift. Carter was smart. It's to bad he couldn't use them...

Carter turned my way and looked at me. I smiled and ran into his arms. I missed him so much it was almost unbearable. I was overjoyed to know that I was here with him.

"Baby." He mumbled into my hair.

"Carter." I replied back. He smiled.

"Are you okay? Who did this?" He asked pointing to ny swollen face from multiple slaps.

"It was Freddie and a couple others who are down there." I said nodding to the outhouse. Carter nodded.

"We won't let them get away with this. They will pay for disrespecting you. Damn it Alex! I was so afraid I wasn't gonna find you. I love you so fucking much." He had tears in his eye but quickly hid them. I laughed.

"Carter. I knew you would save me." I told him.

"And how was that?" He asked.

"Because your my rock and I couldn't live without you. Plus Carter, I mean you are Carter right?" I said with a smirk. I could tell he was getting anxious to do something to me. He yelled for the warriors to head home and said that he will cone behind.

"I love you Alex Monroe."

"I love you more Carter Mathews." I said, slightly inching closer to him.

"That's impossible." And with that remark, he pulled me to him and kissed me passionately. I tangled my fingers in his dirty blonde hair and pushed myself closer into him, if possible. He bite my bottom lip for permission that I gladly granted. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him.

If I didn't stop now, we probably wouldn't make it out o  this woods for another day. I pulled back and let out a breath. We were both breathing really heavy from out heated make out session. I love this  man so friggin much. What am I gonna do with myself?

"I love you." He told me.

"I know." I replied, jumping out of his grasp.

He ran after me. I squealed when he grabbed me and plopped me over his shoulder. By he is facial expression, he wasn't going to let me go. I screamed but still didn't get what I wanted. When we arrive  at the pack house, he put me down slowly. I smirked.

"You are such a-" I got cut off by Cass and Court running out of the house screaming their heads off. They ran over to me and hugged me with so much force, we all came crashing down.

"I am so sorry Alex!" Cass said.

"What for? It wasn't anyone's fault what so ever." I told them. Carter was still standing there. Just looking at me. I smiled before reaching out a hand for him to get me up.

He came over and pulled me up. I gave him a peck on the lips before being inside to our room. I am so happy. I can't believe that this actually happened.

"Alex! You bags are in your room." I heard Cass yell from downstairs. I saw them by the dresser. I told her thanks and went to take a shower. When I got out Carter was in bed with just his boxers on. Oh my God. He was so tempting...

When he saw me, he got up and grabbed me by the waist from behind me. Is it bad that I want to let the towel drop? He started to kiss my mark and it sent shivers all through me.

"Alex. It's been a while...and I got needs..." He let the sentence trail off and started to pull down my towel an  kiss closer to my chest area.

I let the towel drop and we somehow ended up on the bed. That night, we didn't go to bed until 4am.

Thanks for getting me to 453 reads! I love you all so much!

Meh next goal is 470 reads in a few days. Please get meh there! Thanks guys!

Y'all rock!!


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