The Start of a Bad Day

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Lisa covered her eyes and screamed. What was this crazy man doing?! He used to be so kind and caring... Suddenly, she heard Felix scream.

"MARZIA!" He yelled. Lisa looked up, and Marzia was lying on the floor.

"Why?!" Was the only thought Lisa could manage. She couldn't even understand why this would happen. It was so unfair.

Marzia had been shot. Lisa couldn't get past this fact. She was so, so, so mad. Lisa jumped up in fury, elbowing her dad in the stomach. He doubled over in pain, clutching his beer-belly. She kicked his legs so they buckled underneath, causing him to fall, the gun flying across the room. Lisa sprinted over, grabbed the gun and hesitated.

She didn't know what to do. She couldn't shoot him, that would haunt her forever. She considered throwing the gun into the roaring fire, but was concerned about whether or not it would let out bad fumes or explode or something. Because that would be bad.

Then she remembered that Felix was standing right there. She looked over at him and said breathlessly,

"Call the cops." Before fainting out of exhaustion both emotionally and phisically. Lisa was a very lazy girl.

The last thing she remembered was Felix's surprised face, as he had obviously know that she was lazy. He was blown away by her accuracy, and her sharp thinking.

When Lisa woke up, she was in bed. She didn't recognise where she was. She looked around and realised it was a hospital room. But why? She hadn't been hurt, had she? Then she looked at herself through her camera on her phone (yes, she did still have her phone after all this) . She had a massive scar across her head. That moment, she felt the sudden urge to puke. She bent over and did, accidentally ALL OVER the expensive-looking equipment that doctors always seem to have. Uh-oh!

She had a sudden thought. Maybe, because of the scar on her head, and the vomiting, she had concussion? She tried to think of her name. Ok, she had concussion. But how could she think this well? She had superpowers? No. That would be ridiculous. Come on, Lisa! Oh wait, Lisa! Maybe she didn't have concussion.

After this ridiculous train of thoughts, she looked up, and who could be there, but Felix. He ran over and hugged her, crying. It hurt Lisa to see her senpai cry. She hugged him back while he told her in a rushed voice:

"Marzia has a very low blood level. I don't think she's going to survive. How am I going to do this? I might quit Youtube. She's dying, Lisa! I can't let her die when she was living her dream! This is her life, and some old selfish dude with problems had to ruin it! We were so happy.." He sobbed. Lisa couldn't stand it. She said to Felix,

" Don't worry. She's not going to leave you. She loves you too much to let go. It's gonna be alright."

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