Of Course...

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Lisa was struggling with putting on her socks. Yes. Her socks. She was questioning her existence as she hopped around on one leg, shoving her foot into the cotton. Why was she so out of sorts?

It was her second day of school, as she had started on a Friday, and had had a whole weekend off. She was worried, she realised, about Samantha. What if samantha saw her? What if she was beaten up by her? Then Lisa asked herself, was it certain that Samantha had seen her? And why would Samantha take it out on Lisa for merely.. Seeing her?

She felt the slightest bit better after thinking these thoughts, and got ready quicker. She fixed herself a quick smoothie to drink before it was time to go to school. She lay back on the couch, sipping her strawberry smoothie, when she saw Marzia wheel herself out.

"Good news!" She said. "The doctor just called me, and she said that I only had about a week or so left in the wheelchair, and I will be healed!" She told them.

"That's great!" Lisa and Felix said simultaneously.

"The only thing is, I'll have to be extra-careful. I can't go on roller coasters or anything like that that will damage my back." Marzia said in a slightly lower voice.

"Oh, that's ok," Felix said. "You can still have fun! Who says fitness is happiness? If anything, you'll be happier! You won't have to walk the... Pugs...." He said, the realisation sinking in.

Marzia and Lisa giggled.

"It's time for me to go! You two have a good time!" Lisa said cheerfully.

She left, waving at them. They looked so happy, both of their faces were glowing, faces stretched from smiling so much. Felix's arm was around Marzia, and she was leaning against him.


As Lisa walked down the road, her eyes followed the cracks in the path, her mind playing games. She was off in another world when she bumped into a girl. She looked up, about to apoligise, when the girl started screaming at her.

"What do you think you're doing? Walking around, bumping into strangers like there's no tomorrow? You think you're soo amazing but you're not!!" The girl went on like that for a while, with Lisa staring up at her, terror-stricken.

Of course, there always had to be a grey cloud to her silver lining.

"I-I'm sorry..." Lisa mumbled, looking down.

"You better be, you good-for-nothing twat!" She screamed.

"God, this girl speaks so old..." Lisa thought. She recognised the girl as Kate, a girl in Lisa's history class.

Kate pushed Lisa over, knocking all her books onto the ground. Kate ran away, sniggering.

When Lisa bent over to pick up her books, she felt a tap on her back. She turned around, straightening her back.

There was a boy standing behind her. He looked at her with deep brown eyes, eyes that she could stare at all day. Lisa could tell, just from looking at his face, that he had a kind heart.

"I can't believe she did that.." He muttered, slowly shaking his head.

He gave her his hand, and pulled her up gently.

"That's Kate." He began.

"I knew it!" Lisa congratulated herself in her mind.

"She's a bully." He continued,"a stereotypical bully. She's "pretty", everyone "loves" her but is actually scared of her, so sucks up to her. She's been suspended already, one more incident to expulsion. Good thing is, you won't have to stick up with her for long. Everyone's been relieved since they heard she's nearly gone."

He explained to her a lot of the things that she'd done, and told her how to stay away from her, as she was already on her bad side which was 1)Very dangerous 2)Very easy (to get onto her bad side I mean)

Lisa was lost in standing there, talking to him, so she didn't notice the time. Finally, he asked her what the time was. She looked at her watch, and gasped.

"Oooooh no..." She whispered.

"What?" He asked, worriedly.

"We're already 20 minutes late to our first class!" She panicked. "RUN!" She sprinted towards the school, not looking to see if he was following him. As she was running, she realised she didn't even know his name.

He was, indeed, running behind her, as Lisa discovered when they reached the school.

"Before we get detention, can I at least have your name?" Lisa asked, looking down shyly.

"I thought you'd never ask!" He told her, relieved.

He handed her a folded up piece of paper, which, Lisa saw when she opened it, had his name, number, and instagram.

"Didn't expect this much!" Lisa said cheekily.

They walked into the school, bumping shoulders. As they had expected, they got detention, but the good thing is, they were in the same detention. They exchanged smiles all through detention, and Lisa felt all warm and snuggle when she walked home.

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