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Marzia was getting better. Slowly, but definitely. She could make her own meals, though Lisa always insisted on doing it for her. They had tried to help her up, see if she could walk a few steps, but hadn't had much progress with that. Marzia was still too weak.

Even though she was weak, Marzia still needed to get out. Lisa told Felix that she would bring her on a walk, maybe aroun the town, just to clear both their minds. He agreed, saying that both of them deserved it, and he needed to film videos anyway.

Lisa wheeled Marzia's wheelchair outside, stumbling a bit on the way out of the porch.

"Do you want to go through the park?" Asked Lisa.

"Yes please," Marzia said," I need to get away from the noise of town, and I'd like to see some nature. I've been stuck in the house for weeks!" Marzia replied, though Lisa was only half-listening.

Lisa attempted to wheel Marzia's wheelchair through the park, the rocky path causing her to stumble. Lisa was barely aware of Marzia speaking to her, as they had literally just woken up.

"It will clear your heads!" Mmmm, yeah right.

Suddenly, Lisa noticed another person off in the distance, which was strange, because it was morning-time, although she supposed, they were in the park at morning-time...

As they got closer, Lisa saw that that person wasn't alone. Two people alone in a park... Ok, that was just her and Marzia. They were alone, in a park.. This felt fishy. Those people were staying there.

Lisa noticed, one of those people looked.. Just like Samantha? They were exchanging something, it looked like a bag of...

Lisa quickly turned around, wheeling Marzia away as fast as possible, hoping she hadn't seen that.

"Where are we going?" Marzia said weakly.

"Oh shit.." Lisa thought. She had woken Marzia.

"Here, go back to sleep Marzia," Lisa said.

They went home as fast as Lisa could manage, hoping the whole way that Samantha and... Whoever that was, hadn't seen her.

When they got back, Lisa lay back on her bed, her mind blown, head in a muddle. What the...

Lisa decided she needed to do some meditating, clear her mind a bit.

She put on some music, started focusing on her breathing. In, and out, in and out. She let all things escape from her mind, everything but....

Lisa couldn't get her mind off of it. Had she really just seen Samantha.. Doing drugs?

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