Going to Disneyland (for real)

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Lisa was jittery with excitement. Her, Felix and Marzia were going to Disneyland! They had packed everything that morning, and were waiting for their plane to take off. Lisa asked Felix if he could vlog for them. He agreed, then turned the camera on and put his lips up to the lense, using his usual intro.

"How's it goin bros, my name is PEWWWWDIEPPIEEEHHH!" He began. He explained about them going to Disneyland and everything, then turned the camera off. He put it down, relaxed in his chair with his head leaning towards Marzia, then immediately fell asleep.

After a few hours, the plane had landed. They got off and hired a taxi to get their hotel. When they got there, Lisa was completely in awe. The place was massive, bigger than any hotel/apartment that she had been to. Lisa spent the first half hour running around, marvelling at everything, from the hd tv to the free soap. They vlogged a lot, then went to the roller coasters.

They had the time of their lives, then went home to a luxurious dinner from room service. Room service isn't in general that luxurious, but if you had had that dinner, oh man, you would reconsider.

After a while, Felix and Marzia sat down to edit. They both immediately noticed the same thing. They hoped they were dreaming, or their imaginations were going wild, but what they saw was really creepy..

"Maybe it's just a coincidence?" Marzia said, unsure.

"No, it can't be.." Felix replied, also unsure, and very creeped out. Lisa heard a bit of this, and went over to them.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing!" They both replied, nervous.

"Ok, there's definitely something wrong." Said Lisa. From only a few weeks, she knew them very well, well enough to tell whether they were lying or not. Giving up, Lisa left the room to edit.

In the end, they all decided to post the videos anyway. The named them "Disneyland Vlog #1", simple enough. The end of their day was boring enough, just watching some youtube, having warned up milk before sleep, the usual.

As Lisa was falling asleep, she smiled. This was the most happiness she'd had in a while. Little did she know, it would not last long.


Thank you so much for reading, I do hope you enjoyed! I just want to say, I'm not going to be doing any more "Smosh in Minecraft?" Anymore. I know I haven't done much in it, I just can't go anywhere with it! You know what I mean? If anyone wants it to continue, just comment. I know no one will though, so.. Bye!

Thank you!

Stay awesome ✌️

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