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Felix and Marzia had to go to court to sort things out, the whole Lisa and her father situation. Lisa was allowed to stay home alone while they were there, as she was sixteen, and Puga and Edgar needed taking care of.

Lisa hugged Felix and Marzia when they left.

" I'll miss you! Good luck!" Lisa called as they drove away. After sitting down for a few minutes, she glanced around the room and noticed Marzia's computer lying open on her table. Lisa was too tempted. She walked over to the computer, logged out of Marzia's account on YouTube, and started clicking buttons.

After a half an hour, she was satisfied. Then she realised she hadn't fed the pugs. She got up and poured the food into their bowls. They came running over and barked at her. She found this so cute, she bent over and spent another half an hour petting them.

When she realised what time it was, she went back to Marzia's computer. Se started recording a video to upload to her new channel. Yes, her new channel! She was so excited, she had never had the equipment to record youtube videos before!

Lisa recorded and edited for a while, then heard Marzia and Felix at the door. Quickly, she logged out of her account, then went back onto Marzia's. Lisa ran to the door and greeted them happily. Her mood was crushed, though, when she saw their faces. They looked as if they'd seen a ghost, they were so pale!

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked.

"Nothing at all, honey... It's all ok."

"Wait... You are able to keep me.. Right?" Lisa asked nervously.

"Of course! Don't be worried, it's all sorted out. You officially live here!" Felix said.

"Then why aren't you happy?" Lisa asked.

"Of course I'm happy! Look!" Felix said, doing a dance around the room. He started singing:" he's so FA-FA-FABULOUS!" Which made Marzia and Lisa laugh so much.

"It's all fine!" Everyone said, dancing. They were so happy to have Lisa stay there for at least a few years.

Later on that evening, Lisa went over to ask Marzia for some tea, but she heard hushed voices coming from Marzia's room. She tried to listen in.

"No. We're not going to tell her. She has enough stress already."

"I agree, but we can't just leave this! We need to tell someone! That man just threatened our lives!"

"Yes, but that man is her father."


Once again, thank you for reading. I really hope that you enjoyed! If you did, I would recommend reading my Smosh fanfiction, which I just started today, and also heading over to @The_Aoife_Project who helped me with these ideas.

Thank you!

Stay awesome ✌️

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