What Friends are For.. (Creepily Fangirling Over Boys)

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"Ok, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. The moment, that I, trick, PEWDSSSS!!!!!" Lisa said, whisper-shouting at her camera. She walked into Felix and Marzia's room, realising that she might get Marzia as well...

She squirted whipped cream all over Felix's hand, whispering to the camera,

"Oooh yes, get it all over. Now notice that Pewds is a very deep sleeper, so this might not work on everyone."

She tickled his head, and waited for the cream to make the scream.

Finally, Felix literally facepalmed himself, splitting cream all over his face. He woke up, white as a sheet, you might say, to a Lisa with a hella-creepy mask on. He screamed like a girl (I'm pretty sure all you bros know what his screams sound like by now), waking Marzia up, therefore causing the pugs to wake up, therefore therefore causing LIsa to roll on the floor laughing.

What a quiet start to the day.

Lisa got ready for school after that, evilly laughing inside her head because she had gotten that all on tape, and left. She met Alfie around the corner, and they happily walked to school.

At lunch break, Lisa met up with Olivia, Jessica, and Lauren (the girls she had met at the first day of school in case you didn't remember:) ).

"Ok, so I have the best thing to tell you ahhhhhh,!" Lisa whisper-screamed, as she didn't want to come off as a total freak, screaming at lunch.

"What happened?" Olivia asked curiously.

" Wait for it... I met a boy! And I think he likes me!" Lisa said.

They had a girly conversation involving a lot of squealing and fangirling. Then Lisa realised she hadn't invited Alfie to eat with them. Lisa doubted he'd enjoy any of the stuff they talked about. She'd see him later on, anyway, so she could talk to him.

When school ended, Lisa waited outside for Alfie. Just seeing him come out of the doors made her knees knock, her palms sweat. He was gorgeous, and not in the cocky-filmstar way, in the genuinely kind, sweet way. Her favourite facial feature of him were his eyes. They were like a deep chocolaty milky-way for herself.. Pity he closed his eyes while they were kissing...

They walked home together, as usual, and Lisa asked if she could go to his house to study.

"Sure," he told her,"I just need to tell you something.

"Yeah?" Lisa said, worried. Was he already tired of her?

"I know it's only been a few days, but I like you. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Ok. Let's go." He said awkwardly.

Lisa laughed inwardly as they walked to his place.

After a few hours, she left to go home. What with all the romance between her and Alfie, she hadn't noticed Marzia and Felix starting to look more worried, bit by bit. Their faces had gone white and pale, they started to get more skinny...

"We need to tell you something, Lisa." Felix said, sitting down by the main table. Lisa wasn't that worried, as she had already had one announcement today that hadn't turned out bad.

"Yup?" She said casually, leaning back in her chair.

"We've decided... We aren't the happiest we could be together, so we're going to split up."

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