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chapter three/...

different kind of fighter/

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different kind of fighter/...

Alina Starkov was the Sun Summoner. Everyone in the tent was still in shock after General Kirigan let go of her arm and the light faded. Fayra stepped away from the table and towards the general. "General." Kirigan turned around and faced Fayra. She walked right up close to him and put her face next to his. She whispered, "I need to see Mal before we leave." Kirigan knew Mal was one of her friends, but he thought her friends were both girls. He was a little wary, but he gave her a nod. Fayra walked just passed him and her and Alina hugged quickly. She sent Alina a smile and walked out of the tent.

Fayra had heard that everyone from First Army was in Medical, so she headed over there. She saw Mal walking back to Medical, so Fayra jogged to catch up with him. "Mal!" Mal turned around and smiled when he saw his old friend. She embraced him in a hug and he did the same. "Fayra! I've missed you!"

"Me as well." They pulled away from each other and Fayra noticed that Mal's weight was on one leg. "Are you alright?" Mal knew she was talking about his leg. "Yeah, I'll be alright."

"Look, I didn't have a lot of time, I just wanted to say hi and see you."

"That's fine. You look great by the way." Fayra flipped her hair. "I know." Mal laughed. Even when they were kids she was confident. Fayra looked behind her and saw all of the Grisha were walking in separate directions and Kirigan was standing in the doorway of the tent looking dead at her. "I'm sorry. I do have to get back, but I'll write to you." Fayra said as she started walking backwards.

"Bye Fayra." Fayra gave him a small wave and started walking forward. She got to General Kirigan and he immediately spoke up. "Since you pulled that little stunt earlier, you will be having to ride a horse back."

"That's fine. I don't mind the wind in my hair." Fayra gave Kirigan a small smirk and he gave her a weak smile. She untied the reins on his horse, but Kirigan came up behind her and put his hands on the reins. Fayra could feel his breath on her neck and she slowly turned around. Kirigan motioned his head for her to look behind him. She did and saw another beautiful black horse.

"He's your permanently." Fayra looked back at Kirigan with happiness and shock written on her face. "Really?"

Kirigan nodded. Fayra stepped away from him and walked over to the horse. She pet his forehead and the horse nudged her slightly, showing affection. Fayra smiled and Kirigan's gaze fell on her. He liked seeing her happy. Fayra untied the reins and got on the horse. She turned the horse around and looked over at Kirigan who got on his horse. "Thank you. Now, I'm exactly like you. A mini you."

"If only you had my piercing good looks."

"You wish you looked like me. Keep up, General." Fayra's horse started cantering away. The carriage was farther away and the two of them were going to linger behind. Kirigan's horse took off as well and they got behind the carriage. Fayra saw Alina struggling with the Grisha. She hopped off her horse and Kirigan watched her actions with confusion. Fayra walked over to the Grisha and Alina. "Hey, hey, just give her a minute." Fayra held Alina wrist and pulled her a few feet away from everyone else. She put her hands on Alina's biceps. "It's going to be alright. Look, I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you, I swear on my life."

Alina nodded with a bit of worry in her face. "Come here." Fayra pulled Alina into a hug and Alina hugged back. Fayra rubbed her back and they pulled away. "Here." Fayra took off her Kefta and she had a baggy white shirt tucked into the waist band of her pants. She handed Alina her Kefta and she put it on. "It'll keep you safe."

She sent Alina a small smile. Alina suddenly said. "It's good to see you again."

"You too." Fayra smile and walked back over to her horse. Alina got in the carriage and Fayra got back on her horse. Kirigan had a bland look on his face. "Why did you do that? Now you won't be safe."

"I can protect myself. Plus, if I'm really in that much danger, you'll save me. After all, I am your damsel in distress." Fayra sent him a cocky wink and the carriage started moving forward. The two followed behind. They ended up passing Mal and he ran after the carriage. When Kirigan and Fayra passed him, Mal sent Fayra a murderous look. Fayra felt heartbroken. Mal was one of her closest friends and he now hates her. Key word: Was.

After awhile, they were galloping through the forest on a path, still behind the carriage. Suddenly, the carriage pulled to a stop and so did Kirigan and Fayra. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure." Fayra, being the reckless soul that she is, she hopped off her horse and started walking forward. "Fayra." Kirigan said with warning laced in his voice. "I'll be fine."

Fayra walked passed the carriage. Just to be safe, she summoned shadows. They came up from the ground and followed her footsteps. She heard an arrow shoot and she threw a shadow towards the sound behind her. A man got sliced in half and men just like him started attacking the Grisha. Many Grisha were getting shot, but they were using their Kefta as advantages and their abilities.

An arrow got shot right at Fayra's face, but a black shadow lingered around it. Fayra pushed the arrow away with her finger and let go of it. It went flying past her and she pushed her hands forward. An almost blade looking shadow sliced right through the man's neck. Two arrows came flying at her again, but she ducked just in time. Two men with axes in their hands came running at her. One brought the axe down on her, but she kicked up to her feet, making the axe hit the ground.

Fayra, even when she was a kid, always had a secret knife hidden. Fayra grabbed a hidden dagger from her boot and sliced one of the man's necks. She kicked the other man's chest and he stumbled. Once he caught his balance, he swung his axe at Fayra, but she ducked away from it. Fayra was now behind him which gave her a huge advantage. She ran up a tree and kicked off. Fayra spun halfway in the air and landed on his shoulders. Fayra jerked herself back and the man went flying over her, with her kneeling above him when they hit the ground. Fayra ripped the axe out of his hand and stabbed him in the chest with it.

To her side, Fayra saw Alina being dragged out of the carriage. "Alina!" Fayra started running towards Alina, but an arrow got launched into her shoulder. She let out a cry of pain, but broke off the end of the arrow. Fayra raised shadows from the ground and turned around. Fayra clapped her hands together once and the man was overtaken by the shadows. There was blood seeping through her shirt, but Fayra didn't care. She said she'd protect Alina and that's exactly what she planned on doing. Fayra ran to where she saw Alina being taken, but when she got there, she saw Kirigan helping Alina onto his horse and them riding off together. Fayra felt this pain in her heart that she'd never felt before. She wanted that to be her on the horse.

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