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chapter ten/...

chapter ten/

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Aleksander had gone to the basement to investigate the individual that Fayra had got caught. He didn't want her down there in case he had to do something a little violent, but Fayra didn't care. She wanted to be downstairs with him, but yet again, Aleksander had said no.

Fayra was waiting in Aleksander's office, just pacing. She spent a lot of time in here, but she never actually got to look around or see what was in here. He was a big privacy person. Of course Fayra would never invade his privacy, but he never even let her look at the books on his shelf. Fayra walked over to the bookshelf and looked at all of the titles. A lot of them were just old stories, but one caught her eye.

Fayra noticed that there was a handwritten note on the side that said, 'fay'. A small smile formed on her face as she took the book off the shelf. Fayra opened it and found that it was one of her notebooks with drawings in it. This was one of hers that had gone missing.

Aleksander had found it after she also left this one in his room. He spent hours just admiring and looking through the drawings. When he saw her talent and had seen her sleeping figure beside him, that was the moment he fell in love with her. It was the moment he saw her true beauty.

Fayra had seen all of these before, but she still flipped through a few pages. Suddenly, a note fell out of the last page and it landed on the floor. Fayra bent down to pick it up and looked at Aleksander's beautiful handwriting.

As she read on and on, she found that it was a letter that Aleksander had confessed all of his feelings on. He had confessed earlier, but this was more poetic and beautiful. A more thought out way to put it. Fayra was reading on when he was talking about her beauty. Fayra hadn't even noticed these things about herself.

Tears started falling down her face, but they were happy tears. Fayra put a hand over her mouth, not believing that Aleksander could had such strong feelings. Suddenly, Aleksander walked in the room, not realizing what she had in her hand. "Fay, I took care of the little problem. Now, I have to-" Aleksander cut himself off when he saw Fayra crying.

"Darling." Aleksander said as he rushed over to her. He put his hand on her cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb. "What happened?" Fayra held up the note and Aleksander immediately recognized it. Fayra smiled which caused Aleksander to smile. "You're too good for me."

Aleksander gently took the note and book out of her hand and put it on his desk. He pulled Fayra into a hug and she wrapped her arms around his waist. He kissed the top of her head and Fayra hid her face in his chest. "Saints, I love you so much."

"I love you." Fayra pulled away from him and wiped her tears away with her kefta that she had actually put back on. "So um, you were saying something before..." Fayra motioned her hands, not knowing the word. "This whole thing."

"Yes, I took care of our little problem, and I sent out Fedyor to find Nina since she has been taken by Fjerdians. Now, I want you to come with me since we're leading a team to pursue the criminals who took the Sun Summoner. We need Zoya-" Fayra temporarily cut him off by groaning at the sound of Zoya's name. Aleksander smiled and shook his head, but continued with what he was saying. "We need Ivan as well and Polina and David."

"The Durast?"

"Yes, we need him for what comes next, but first we need to find the abductors." Fayra nodded her head. She was fully on board with all of his plans, not matter how crazy.


Aleksander and Fayra were now in East Ravka looking for the people whom Aleksander thought took Alina. They stepped out of the carriage with Aleksander in his large cloak and Fayra still in her normal kefta. David tried to get out of the carriage too, but Aleksander stopped him. "Stay. I don't need you out here." David immediately got back in the carriage.

Aleksander and Fayra stepped forward so they were in front of the other Grisha with them. "The wagon matches the one that was stolen from the palace." They were looking at a wagon just a bit farther from them and they immediately recognized it. That was their first hunch to find the thieves. "They may have continued on horseback. Faster, harder to track."

Fayra and Aleksander went over to the carriage while the other Grisha stayed behind. When Fayra went to open the door, a loud bang went off and a bomb exploded, but Fayra and Aleksander were able to contain it with shadows, so it didn't do any damage, but it did make a very loud sound.

They heard the sound of Polina screaming and fire being shot. They figured the Grisha had found the thieves. Aleksander made a small shadow in his hand and he was communicating with the darkness to find out where one of the thieves went. When he found out, he got rid of the shadow and motioned for Fayra to follow him.

She did so and the two came to an alley where they stood and Kaz Brekker ran into them. He was a bit farther away, but he knew he had been caught and he couldn't escape. "I know you kidnapped my Sun Summoner." Aleksander said as him and Fayra slowly walked towards Kaz. "And now you're going to tell me where you stashed her."

Kaz recognized Fayra and she recognized him too. Fayra was debating between saying anything since Kaz owed her a favour and she had no idea what the future holds. "We didn't take her. She fled on her own."

"Where is she? I won't ask again." Aleksander said, not being patient and just wanting his plan do go accordingly. "I don't know. It was pretty clear that she wasn't interested in being a captive anymore. She's probably halfway to Novyi Zem by now."

Shadows started to climb against the sides of the buildings due to Aleksander. Fayra could see the look of fear on Kaz's face and she knew that Aleksander couldn't kill him. "You should've stayed in Ketterdam, Mr. Brekker." Aleksander created a shadow blade that would've killed Kaz in seconds, but just as he was about to send it flying Kaz's way, Fayra jumped in front of it and created a giant cloud of smoke so Aleksander couldn't see and the blade would stop. She motioned for Kaz to run which he did while he had the chance.

Aleksander got rid of the shadow and when it was gone, he had a very pissed off look on his face. he also had noticed that Kaz had gotten away. "Fayra-" She quickly cut him off. "Listen before you scold me. You obviously know who that was and you know he can be a very powerful person. I helped him while he was snuck into the palace and helped catch the Conductor, which worked out, by the way. Now he owes me a favour."

"So we can't kill him." Aleksander knew that Kaz Brekker is an extremely powerful man in terms of connections. If someone so close to him had an up on Kaz Brekker, that could be used in many different ways. He should've been mad that Fayra went behind his back, but it was when she was pissed and he admired how deceitful she was. They both were fabulous villains.

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