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chapter eight/...

chapter eight/

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broken heart/...

Today was the ceremony to show off Alina's talent of being a Sun Summoner. Aleksander and Fayra had put on ceremonies like this for the King and Queen before, like when Fayra got really good at her talents as a Shadow Summoner, Aleksander wanted to show of his protege's talents. During these ceremonies, Aleksander was always preparing his speeches and tricks while Fayra had to run around and make sure everything is working properly, which is Aleksander's job.

Fayra was in her white dress shirt and black pants which was what she's was going to wear underneath her kefta. She was quickly walking down the hall, going to make sure all of the guards were heading to their posts. These times always stressed her out. Fayra knew that if she didn't do this nothing would get done and she didn't want anything bad to happen to ruin Aleksander's reputation.

Fayra was walking down the hall as something outside the window next to her caught her eye. Fayra took a few steps back and looked out the window to see Genya and Alina outside in the little festival that was going on. "You've got to be kidding me." Fayra mumbled under her breath. Fayra marched outside, upset that Genya and Alina were adding to her list of problems. As she walked up behind them and accidentally scared them as she said their name, they turned around. "Girls."

"Don't scare us like that!"

"What are you doing?" Fayra said with a mad tone, but she really was just stressed out. "We were just coming down to see the festival."

"Well, you have to preform soon!" Fayra realized that she was being a little rude, so she backed up. "Sorry, I'm just stressed out. Please, I need you two inside. I'm running around doing everything myself and I don't need more problems."

"It's alright, Fayra. We'll head inside." Alina said with a sweet smile, understanding her stress. Her and Genya headed back inside as Fayra went back inside the way she came. Heading back to her room, Fayra quickly put on her Kefta. She was aware that Genya was doing Alina's hair and make up, but Fayra could manage on her own. She didn't feel like she needed much, so she let her hair fall loose with its slight waves and she put the black pin that was a custom in her hair. She put on a slight bit of mascara and was okay with that. Fayra knew she was beautiful and what people really wanted to see was Alina, so she'd fade into the background like a shadow.

Fayra only had one more thing to do and that was make sure Aleksander was ready, so she walked to his room. She was prepared to help him get ready because she assumed he wasn't ready. She noticed his door was slightly opened, so she walked inside with a hint of confusion. As she stepped in the room, she saw Alina and Aleksander kissing. They pulled away and stared into each other's eyes lovingly until Alina backed away turned around and started smiling.

Fayra felt a bullet of emotions hit her chest. She wanted to fall to her knees right then and there and start balling her eyes out, but the thing is, Fayra wasn't sad. She was angry. She was so incredibly angry.

Staying quiet and with a look in her eyes that could kill, Fayra left Aleksander's room without either of them seeing her. She walked down the halls and headed towards the ballroom where people were flooding in, but she had this murderous look in her eyes the entire time. Someone was going to pay for this later.

Fayra had to enter with Aleksander as she had to every time which was royally pissing her off. One look at him and she might explode. As she waited at the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the wall while Aleksander walked up behind her. He put a hand on her shoulder as he said, "Hello, beautiful-" He was quickly cut off by Fayra violently nudging his hand away and making her way up the stairs. A confused look crossed Aleksander's face as he followed her up the stairs.

"General. Ms. Devany." The King called. Fayra's fists were clenched together tightly, definitely leaving marks. She didn't even acknowledge the King. She simply just walked by. Aleksander said a quick hello, but proceeded to find Fayra. He caught up to her by grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards him. "Is there something wrong? You never address the King and Queen so rudely and I've never seen you move away from my touch like that."

With Fayra's steam boiling, she rips her arm out of Aleksander's grasp. "I don't need to suck up to some old prats and I don't need you watching my every move. I am an independent woman and I do not need some bored man to keep me company." Fayra snapped. Aleksander's expression softened at the shock of his dream woman snapping at him. Fayra had never done anything like that before and especially not to him.

Suddenly, everyone's attention was turned to Alina who had just walked into the room and she was wearing something very familiar. It was the same gold and black kefta that Aleksander had given Fayra when she had her ceremony.

Fayra's hands begun to shake due to how hard her fists were clenched together. She looked at Alina was jealousy and rage. Aleksander turned back to her and tried to be charming, hoping to lighten the mood, but it did not work. "Something look familiar?" Fayra's eyes filled with more rage as she looked back at Aleksander. Without hesitation, she lifted her right hand and slapped him dead across the face.

Everyone's attention was faced to the sound, but what they saw when they turned their attention was Aleksander holding his cheek as he watched Fayra storm out of the room with a broken heart.


I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm restarting a lot of my books. This isn't one of them, so if you've only read this one, don't worry about it, but if you read any of my other books, some are getting deleted and remade.

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