Part 2

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Sitting in your office that afternoon you were struggling to concentrate, knowing Niall was in the building was playing fucking mind games with your emotions. The door to your office was closed, your laptop open in front of you, the shopping centre contract was your main priority today. You'd been working on your presentation for a few hours now and your brain was hurting. Your office phone ringing pulled you out of your daze and you picked it up noticing that it was an internal call.

"Jessica speaking." You huffed.

"Hi Jessie." He said in that smooth Irish accent.


How he managed to still have such an effect on you after all this time you'll never know, but your tummy had butterflies yet again from just hearing his voice.

"Hi, how are you? Settling in ok?" You replied, trying to not smile too wide at how pleased you were that you were able to have a private conversation with him.

It had been so busy in the office this morning that you hadn't had the opportunity to speak to him one to one. Michael had been by his side the whole time, you weren't sure if he was there now.

"Yeah, I'm taking it all in. I'm sorry we haven't been able to speak."

"Oh don't be silly." You said trying to sound easy going about it.

"Michael is having a meeting so I'm just sat in my new office now and I thought it would be a good opportunity to call you. Are you busy, can we chat for a minute?"

"No I have a minute, just working on the new shopping centre contract."

"How is that going?" He asked.

"Um ok, just waiting for the model to come back.......and um......"



"I don't actually want to talk about work."

"Oh.....what did you what to talk about?" You said, suddenly feeling sick with nerves.

"I just thought we may want to talk about things..... about us and stuff. Are you ok with me being here?"

"What you being my new boss?!" You replied, the smile evident in your voice. It had probably taken him some courage to ring and speak to you.

"Yeah, is that ok?" He replied with a small laugh at the end.

"I haven't really got any choice to be honest. But yeah, of course I'm fine with it, I'm really proud of you Niall."

"Thanks Jessie, I should be saying the same back to you to, a Senior Contract Manager? I've been looking over some of your work and it's incredible."

"Thankyou, I really love working here. Michael has been a great mentor. "

"He seems like a really great man."

"He is."

"You didn't seem that shocked to see me this morning?" He asked.

"I saw your name on the meeting agenda so...."

"Ah ok, I didn't get one of those until after I saw you. I've been in Ireland for my Mum's birthday over the weekend so hadn't had time to print one off."

"Oh that's nice, how is your Mum? She keeping well?"

"Yeah, she's great."

"Do you get to see them much?"

The line was silent for a few seconds before Niall spoke again.

"Are you seeing anyone?" He suddenly blurted out, not answering your question.

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