Part 4

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The office floor was quiet, the cleaning team had been and gone, it was nearing 8:30pm and you had finally finished all the changes to your presentation. You'd spent a few hours discussing the project with Niall over some lunch and he'd taken a look at the model that had just arrived back.

With it fresh in your mind and no plans for your Friday night other than wine and a book you'd decided to stay and get it done.

Gathering up your things you made your way to the lift, a light caught your eye and you realised it was coming from Niall's office.

He was here late you thought. Deciding to go over and say goodnight you weaved through the desks and approached his open door. Was he here with someone?

Relief flooded over you when you realised he was alone, not that you expected to find doing anything untoward with a member of staff, but it did for a split second cross your mind.

"Hi." You said hoping to catch his attention but not scare him.

"Jessie." He said slightly startled before quickly closing his notebook. "What are you still doing here?"

"Finishing up from our meeting this afternoon. Sorry to have scared you. Are you ok?" You asked him noticing the worry and stress on his face.

"Yeah fine, why wouldn't I be?" He said an irritated tone to his voice.


"Forget I asked. Night." You said as turned to leave.

"Jessie, wait." He called out his voice softening. "I'm sorry. That came out the wrong way. I's...."

"You can't discuss it?"

"No, I can't." He replied sounding relieved that you'd realised he couldn't share what he was working on.

"Have you got much more to do? There's a great wine bar 5 minutes from here if you fancied a drink?" You said.

He looked pained as you could see him torn with what to do. His reluctance to answer your question was causing you to become stupidly embarrassed for even asking him.

"Maybe another time. Night Niall." You quickly said before making a quick exit to the lift.

"Jessie." He called out, but you walked quickly across the office in your 3 inch heels and were in the lift before you could hear him say anymore. You were mortified at the exchange. 

When you exited the lift you saw Desmond was sitting at the security desk and he stood up to unlock the door for you.

"Have a good evening Miss Jessica." He said before handing you a butterscotch.

"I'm going straight home for a bath and bed." You smiled at him. "And thank you!"

He chuckled before asking if anyone else was upstairs on your floor.

"I think just Niall, I saw his light on."

"No problem. You're all too young to be working this late on a Friday night."

"I know I know!" You replied laughing along with him.

"I'll stand here and make sure you get to your car safely." Desmond said.


Your heels thundered and echoed across the empty car park, well empty except for a black Audi which you suspected to be Niall's. Climbing into your car, you locked the door and fastened your seatbelt. Your phone was vibrating from your bag, a quick glance showed it was Niall calling.

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