Part 10

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Sorry for delay in posting this part. Having covid sucked! Let me know what you think!

Emily xxxx

The highs and lows of the week had hit you both and by Friday night you were both exhausted. Grabbing a quick take out dinner, you ate and watched tv before both collapsing into bed at 10pm.

Niall had spent the week gathering everything for the case against Calvin whilst managing the team at Gables. While you had been catching up on emails and waiting for PGR Developments to get in contact with you regarding the shopping centre contract. 

The chat with Natalie had been intense on Wednesday morning, she in no way blamed you for not speaking up about Calvin. But you still felt incredible guilt. You'd both cried and then once she'd left Michael arrived at your office to say you'd secured the contract. 

Such a rollercoaster of emotions had occurred and you'd vowed to have a weekend at home recharging. Next week was a new week and it was about to get busier with the new work load.

The week may have started off shit, but it ended really well. Saturday morning arrived and you found yourself waking up next to Niall for the 5th time in a row. What started off on Monday as a nights stay at yours, had turned out to be him not actually going home.

The no pressure and taking it as it goes was going well.

 "Fuck, you look so good." Niall moaned as you sank down onto him. "So fucking good."

 He may have been staying in your bed this week but this was the first time you'd been intimate since the morning after the wedding last week. You'd both been so emotional and exhausted with everything going on that you'd not done anything more than kiss and cuddle.

Niall felt incredible. He knew your body so well, remembered every little thing that you liked, every little thing that made your body ignite.

Goosebumps appeared on your arms, it may have been a sunny August morning but there was a cool breeze easing through the open window of your bedroom. Leaning down to place your lips on his, his hands moved from your hips to glide up through your hair.

 "I love you so much." He whispered.

 "I love you to." You whispered back.

 He smiled at your response before moving his lips against yours again.

You rode him slow and deep, enjoying the overwhelming feeling of being completely connected to him. Sitting upright you sank down even deeper and a low guttural moan left his lips.

You bit down on your bottom lip to stop the smug look appearing on your face at how you'd made him make that sound. The sound you knew meant he was enjoying himself just as much as you.

In this position his chest hair was on full show and you ran your fingers through it. When you'd last been together 9 years ago, he had just a few hairs adorning his chest, but now he had an abundance of it.

The build up of your orgasm has been long and slow, you'd deliberately prolonged it, wanting it to last as long as you could. But there was no stopping it anymore and you came hard, speeding up your pace and bouncing up and down on his length to keep that euphoria going as long as you could.

 "Don't stop." He mumbled, his eyes shut tight.

You kept up your pace, riding him even when the feeling became too much, your body so sensitive from your orgasm, but you didn't want stop knowing how close he was.

He gripped your hips to steady you as he came, arching his back and pushing himself as deep as he could. You felt breathless watching him, so overwhelmed at how amazing you felt in that moment. He reached his hand up to your neck and guiding your lips to his, a stupidly cute smile on his face.

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