Part 7

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On the morning of the wedding your alarm woke you up way too early. But realistically you'd all got just 4 hours to get ready, which wasn't long when there were multiple people to have their hair and make up done. Rachel had organised for her suite to be a mini beauty salon and she was even providing a champagne breakfast for everyone. When you say everyone you mean the ladies of the party. The men including Niall would not be seen until the wedding at 11am.

You laid there for a few minutes thinking about the last few days. Niall was so different away from work, so much more relaxed. He was 100% professional at work, but here he was affectionate and attentive. He'd sat by you at dinner Thursday night with Rachel and Ben's families, kissed you goodnight at your door. He had also never left your side when you were together yesterday, apart from when the men were playing golf.

When you'd spoken to Rachel a few weeks ago about everything, you had said that nothing would happen as it wasn't the right time. But that seemed like complete rubbish now as you'd kissed him numerous times since then. You hadn't been able to keep away from him. There was something that pulled you to him, something that you hadn't been able to stop.

Rolling over in your bed you let out a massive huff. Dating was so complicated, particularly when it was with someone who you knew deep down was the love of your life. You really didn't want to get hurt again, you didn't think your heart could take it. You didn't even know if he felt anything for you. Yes he'd kissed you a few times, but did he see this as some sort of fling for old times sake, or did he want something more?

It was when you were all stood having a toast in Rachel's room a little bit later that you decided that being with Niall was worth the risk. You needed to speak to him about how you were feeling. This revelation didn't come to you in some moment of clarity, it was when Rachel's Mum Wendy sat down next to you on the sofa.

 "How's that gorgeous man of yours?" She'd asked.

 "Gorgeous man, who might that be?!" You smiled back.

 "Oh come on Jessie, I've seen the way you and Niall keep swooning over each other!"


 "Yes swooning, you can't keep your eyes off each other!"

 "I'm not sure it's anything."

You blushed and took a sip of your drink.

 "Don't be afraid." She said softly making sure no one else around could hear. "I saw how hurt you were when things didn't work out last time. Things are different now though, take that risk. You'll regret it if you don't."

 Wendy stood up then leaving you sitting on the sofa, her words sinking in.

Rachel and Ben had literally gone all out on this wedding. The hotel was transformed into a stunning wedding venue. The main hall was filled with gold chairs all adorned with cream sashes and sprigs of lavender. The floral pieces around the room where they would say I do, were stunning. It was like some sort of fairy princess movie. But you had known what to expect when Rachel had been discussing plans with you.

They had been engaged a few years and had saved hard for it. They had wanted a dream weekend where all their friends and family could get together and see them get married, and they had got that.

You walked down the aisle holding your bouquet and  Ben's 4yo nieces hand. Catching sight of Niall stood at the front with Ben, you gave him a smile which he returned. Your heart was fluttering in your chest as you made it to the front. When Rachel walked down the aisle with her Dad you couldn't take your eyes off of her. She looked stunning and you couldn't be happier that her and Ben were getting married.

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