Part 12

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Tuesday morning brought some summer rain to London, it splashed softly against the windows of the meeting room you were in.

"So I think a change of plan is needed for our site visit!" You laughed to Richard and Jeremy from PGR Developments.

 "Agree!" Richard said laughing.

 "Looks like no rain tomorrow though. Can you meet us then?" Jeremy asked as he browsed the weather app on his phone.

 "Yes, afternoon would be better as the site would be drier." You replied.

 You spent the next hour going over the plans for the shopping centre and discussing your ideas for interior and exterior decor and design.

 "We were lucky we didn't have much opposition from locals in regards to building it, but they were worried it would look like a prison. The main reason we went with your design was your attempt to try and blend it in. Soft colours and edges with lots of green space was what sold it to us. We loved the idea of a central courtyard around the shops for sitting and dining."

 "Thankyou, I was aware on my site visit how close it was to residential areas. Plus it's a beautiful area of the Berkshire, I didn't want to spoil the view. Here at Gables we like to design buildings that are both practical, cost effective to build, but that actually look nice. I cringe when I see the prison like buildings you just spoke about."

 "There isn't any need for it, is there? I understand they are probably cheap and quick to build but that's not what we were looking for. Michael was right to put you in charge of the pitch." Jeremy said.

 You smiled and accepted the compliment.

 You were stood in the foyer as you said goodbye to them when you saw Michael and Niall. 

 "Richard, Jeremy so good to see you. I hope Jessica has been looking after you?"

 "Good to see you to." Richard replied shaking his hand.

 "And yes she's been taking good care of us. "Jeremy added as he shook Michael's hand to, a large smile on his face.

"You remember our new Chief Operations Officer Niall Horan?" Michael said as he gestured towards Niall.

They greeted Niall and shook his hand to, Nialls face may have look pleased to meet them to, but you could see a linger of being annoyed across it. You wondered what he and Michael had just been discussing.

Jeremy and Richard left and you had a brief chat with Michael and Niall about how it had gone.

 "Are you both free for lunch?" You asked. "I'm going to deli around the corner."

 "I'm a bit busy at the moment, got a call in......15 minutes." Michael said checking his watch. 

 "I'll pick you up that chicken salad box you like while I'm there and pop it by."

 "Ah you don't need to do that." Michael said trying to protest.

 "It's no problem, I'm going there anyway. Did you want your usual Niall?" You said asking him and his face had softened from that annoyed look.

 "Yes please." He said as he reached in his pocket for his wallet.

 "My treat for both of you.  I'll swing by your offices when I'm back."

 "Take an umbrella! And don't run in those heels!" Michael said laughing.

It was only 20 minutes later when you arrived back. After taking Michael his lunch you made your way to Niall's office. You knocked before entering, finding Niall sitting at his desk on his phone with a much better expression on his face.

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