Chapter 1

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Mitch had been living by himself for a while, as long as he could remember. He remembers the day IT happened very clearly.

It was Christmas Eve at the Grassi's. Mitch was 11 and his sister was 17.

"Ok,you each can open ONE present." His mother said.

His sister, Jessa, grabbed a small one and opened it. It was a new phone.

She immediately turned it on and started setting it up.

Mitch however, grabbed a big one that had his name on it. His dad came over and put his hand on Mitch's shoulder.

"It has everything you need. Protect yourself, ok?" His dad said and Mitch gave him a confused look.

He looked at the present and then turned back to his dad. "But why-" His dad had already turned back around and was making the mashed potatoes.

Mitch shrugged it off and opened the present. It was a black bag. It had clothes, food, water, a map, and a radio.

Mitch was confused. He HATED camping so his dad better not be sending him to go camping in the woods.

"Mitch...I think you should open that one tonight too." His mother said, pointing to a present with holes in it.

Mitch reached for it.  When he ripped it open, a small kitten jumped out.

It was grey and hairless and Mitch LOVED IT. He picked up the cat, kissed him on the head, and started baby talking to the cat.

The cat purred lovingly and Mitch petted him.

Suddenly, the house shook.

Mitch's parents exchanged sad and thoughtful looks and hugged their son.

"W-whats going on?" Mitch asked.

Jessa hugged her little brother.

"Guys this isn't funny please tell me-" He was cut off by the back off the house being ripped off it's hinges.

"Stay in hiding." His dad said.

"Protect yourself and stay safe."
His mom said.

"And most of all, don't get involved. This isn't your fight."
His sister said.

"GO! RUN!" His dad shouted as people in suits swept into their house.

"But-" Mitch said.

"GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!" His mom shouted.

Mitch turned and ran out the door. He heard his sister scream. He kept running. He heard a gunshot. "DAD!" Jessa shouted.

Another gunshot. "MOM!" He heard Jessa shout.

He heard one last gunshot and his sister's screams were no more.

Present Day

Mitch talked to himself a lot. He had no one else to talk to besides his cat and his cat got annoyed with him talking after a while.

He was walking through the forest,chopping down leaves and such, when there was a loud BANG. His cat jumped and took off in the opposite direction.

Mitch groaned.

"Wyatt!" He shouted. He threw down his backpack and looked through it. He pulled out a calendar.

"Ok, he usually leaves and comes back after 4 days so that's....." Hey trailed his finger over the calendar. "Exactly on my 19th birthday!"

He shoved his calendar back in his bag and headed back towards his hideout.

He missed human interaction honestly. But the only people he knew of were the people who murdered his family.

He wasn't about to go making friends with them. What puzzled him tho was the fact that those people never made noise. They were always silent.

"So, who made the noise, Mitch? Another human possibly?" He said out loud to himself.

He turned the corner and looked up to where his hideout was. His eyes widened. "Well now I know what made the noise." He choked.

His hideout was blown to pieces. The only thing left was the ladder.

He sighed.

"Great. Now I have to find another." He was about to turn around when a tall blonde ran out of the woods. Mitch watched the blonde looking up at the hideout.

He was wearing goggles and was holding a sketchbook and a pencil. He opened the sketchbook and put his pencil to it. Here's what he was writing.

"Made progress today. Defense stragedy DOES indeed work. However, it appears I may have blown up someone's base."

Mitch coughed.

The blonde jumped and turned to Mitch. "W-who are you?" The blonde asked.

"The owner of that." Mitch said, gesturing to his blown up house.

"O-oh." The blonde said, looking down.

"It's fine, I can find another one." Mitch said.

The blonde nodded, still obviously feeling bad.

Mitch sighed and stuck out his hand to shake the blonde's.

"I'm Mitch, nice to meet you."

"I'm Scott." The blonde said, shaking Mitch's hand.

"Now that we're introduced, I'm starving." Mitch said.

"Same, I have some food back at my base if you want some." Scott said.

"Sure." Mitch said, and he followed Scott back to his place.

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