Chapter 10

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"I, am Messer."

Mitch stumbled backwards at the words that came out of the figure mouth.

"I-i- b-but i- who how I don't-" Mitch struggled to get the words out.

Messer smiled at Mitch.

"I'm sure you have many questions. Feel free to ask them all." Messer said, patting Mitch reassuringly.

"Y-you killed my parents and my sister!" Mitch said, taking a step back.

Messer gasped.

"You think I killed them?" They said.

"Didn't you?" Mitch asked.

"Never, love." Messer said, snaking their arm around Mitchs waist.

Mitch gasped.

Messer started singing again and Mitch felt himself falling under the spell.

"N-no!" He shouted, pushing away from Messer.

Messer gasped.

"Kitten come back!" Messer muttered as Mitch burst into tears.

"I...I love both of you......" Mitch whispered.

Messer smiled.

"And kitten that's ok. You can choose one of us or both of us." Messer said, playing with their hair.

Mitch looked into Messer's eyes.

"Tell me everything." Mitch said.

"As you wish." Messer said.

They explained everything. The 3 had ruled together. As one. They loved each other. They were the first polyamorous relationship the kingdom had seen. And they didn't like it. It started with Mitch and Messer ruling. They were married and we're both in love with each other and another. He was the scientist's son. The three fell in love yet again and had another wedding. Then it happened. The scientist's son, Dr. Rick Hoying, hated this. He thought it was ridiculous that his son not only loved men but ALSO was polyamory. He created monsters to murder who he loved and the ones close to the ones he loved. He first made a potion to erase the minds of the ones in love. It worked. Except on Messer. Messer hid away from the world and plotted to get who he loved back. Rick took Scott and raised him. He sent Mitch to his family. With their minds erased, Mitch and Scott went on with their lives like nothing happened. While Messer was isolated from the world, their powers got stronger. They would get his husband's back. They got in touch with people from their old kingdom, which was destroyed. They arrived, eager to please one of their rulers. Dr. Hoying heard, and attempted to murder Mitch's parents. Before Messer could stop him, The Grassi's were murdered. Messer became depressed at the news, thinking one of their loves was murdered. Then, one of their most trusted demon followers came to them, with his girlfriend. He explained how Mitch survived and they found him with Scott. Messer was overjoyed at the news, shedding happy tears. The demons said that they tired to kill Scott. Messer became irritated and gave them one last chance. These demons were not to be trusted. They were sent to murder Rick and his Monsters. They achieved their goal.

"I think you know the rest." Messer said.

Mitch stood quiet for a moment. Scott's eyes turned back to normal, and his hair back to blonde. He opened his eyes and remembered it all.

Mitch shed tears of joy and wrapped his arms around Messer's neck. He cried into Messer's shoulder as Messer rubbed Mitch's back. Scott looked up and smiled at them. He got up and went over. Messer kissed both of them and squeezed their hands.

"I love you both." Messer whispered.

"We love you too." Mitch smiled, kissing Scott's cheek.

Then, the door to the room they were in blasted off its hinges. Emma and Cameron walked in.

"Oh honey it's not over yet." Emma said, smirking.

"Not. Even. Close." Cameron chuckled.

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