Chapter 4

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Mitch woke up to the smell of coffee. He jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen. He rushed in and Scott jumped.

"Oh thank god, that was gonna be my last attempt to get you up." He handed Mitch a cup.

Mitch took a long sip.

"What do you mean, last attempt?" Mitch asked after he swallowed.

"What?" Scott asked, about to pour out the coffee.

Mitch grabbed Scott's wrist.

"Nuooo." He said.

"But I don't want any!" Scott said.

"Well I want more!" Mitch said.

"Mitch that's a lot of coffee." Scott said.

"Please?" Mitch asked, doing his classic "Bambi eyes".

Scott tried to resist but couldn't. The cuteness was unbearable.

"Mmmaaughh fine." He poured Mitch another cup.

"Thank you Scotty." Mitch said, slurping his coffee.

"Did you just call me Scotty?" Scott asked.

"Yeah." Mitch said.

Scott looked at him.

"What? Do you not like it?" Mitch asked.

"I like it. But if you're gonna call me Scotty then can I call you Mitchy?" Scott asked.

Mitch nodded.

"Now as I was saying," Mitch said.

"Yes?" Scott asked, filling up Mitch's cup again.

"What other things did you try to do to wake me up?" Mitch asked.

"Uh......well..." Scott trailed off and noticed Mitch's hand was shaking. Actually, all of him was shaking. He was about to have a caffeine rush or whatever it's called. Scott tried to take the cup out of Mitch's hand but Mitch had a death grip on that coffee.

"Nooo." He whined.

"Come on Mitch you've had a lot already." Scott said, pulling harder.

Mitch wouldn't let go so Scott tried another option.

He started tickling Mitchs sides. Mitch shrieked.

"Scott omg Scott! Scottyyy stooppppp." Mitch whined.

Scott took the coffee out of Mitch's hand and poured it down the sink. Mitch gasped and watched it go down.

"Scottyyy" He whined, hands shaking.

He followed Scott into his lab.

"Mitchy you have to calm down." He said.

"I-i- can't." Mitch said, his teeth shaking.

"Ok, can I try something?" Scott asked.

Mitch nodded.

"Ok, close your eyes." Scott said.

Mitch did so and didn't hear from Scott for a few minutes.

"Scott?" He asked.

"Shhh." Scott said behind him.

Mitch went quiet.

Mitch felt Scott by his ear.

"Shhhh you're at a beach. You feel the warm sand in your toes and you feel the heat of the sun beating on your skin. You hear the waves crashing. Everything is at peace." Scott whispered and Mitch's heart rate started slowing down.

"The only other thing you can hear besides the waves is the sound of my voice. " Scott said, taking Mitch's hand and rubbing it gently.

Mitch's breathing went back to normal. He smiled.

"Feel better?" Scott asked.

Mitch nodded.

"Thank you." Mitch said, opening his eyes.

They glanced down and realized their fingers were intwined together. They both blushed.

"Oh! I should write down my hypothesis!" Scott said, letting go of Mitch hand and grabbing his sketch book.

He started writing and Mitch watched him.

"That was a cool experiment." Mitch said, looking over Scott's shoulder.

"Thanks!" Scott said, still writing.

"You know, you can use me as an experiment whenever you want." Mitch said, licking his lips.

"Really?" Scott asked, looking at Mitch.

Mitch nodded and started leaning towards Scott.

"Wow! This is...this is great!" Scott said, moving over to his desk.

Mitch tripped into empty air but caught himself.

"Great Mitch he's oblivious too." He rolled his eyes, walking over.

"Mitch this is gonna be great!" Scott said, hugging the smaller boy.

Mitch wrapped him arms around Scott and smiled. They pulled away and Scott showed Mitch all of his experiments that he needed another human for. He asked Mitch to tell him which ones he felt comfortable with and which ones he didn't.

"Which one is that?" Mitch asked.

Scott covered it up.

"Uh.. nothing." Scott said.

"Scotty, come on, I'm not gonna judge you!" Mitch said.

"Ok...promise you won't make fun of me?" Scott asked.

Mitch looped his finger around Scott's.

"Promise." He said.

"Ok, here." Scott pulled his hand away and Mitch looked at it.

"Perfect boyfriend: Real or Fake?" Mitch read.

"I know, it's pretty pathetic that I wanna make a fake boyfriend because I can't find anyone in real life." Scott said, looking down.

"Aw, Scotty. That's not pathetic. It's cute. In fact, I know someone who thinks you're absolutely adorable and would love to be your boyfriend." Mitch said.

"R-really?" Scott asked.

"Yep, Scott I would love to-" Mitch got cut off by Scott.

"Omg omg! Who? Please tell me who they are!" Scott said.

"You''re joking right?" Mitch asked.

"Well you said you knew someone who's like to be my boyfriend so..." Scott said.

"Um...I'll...I'll tell ya later...I'm gonna go take a nap." Mitch said, walking out of the room.

A few hours later

Mitch was still sleeping after Scott had done another experiment.

"Gosh, I wonder who has a crush on me!" Scott said to himself.

Then the answer hit him like a bus.

"I'm such an idiot!" He said, slapping his forehead. He groaned.

"The answer was litterally right in front of me!" He said, pulling out a hammer.

"I should make him something....something that really says, I like you." He muttered.

"Ah! I've got it!" He said, grabbing some metal and getting to work.

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