Chapter 3

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Mitch followed Scott down the long hallway. As they walked, lights on the floor and ceiling flicked on. They came to a room and Scott put his hand against a glass screen. It turned green and the door opened.

Mitch watched in awe at what was happening around him. They walked inside and there was another door. Scott scanned his hand again and they walked through. They walked into a room which was in a penta shape(haha get it, penta?). One side was the door they just came from, there was a lab room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom.

"Set your stuff anywhere." Scott said, heading towards the kitchen.

Mitch still hasn't let Scott COMPLETELY off the hook for blowing up his house,so he kept his bag on him.

Scott started making some chicken nuggets, fries, and green beans.

"You can go ahead and explore if you want." Scott said.

Mitch walked out of the kitten and looked in the other rooms.

He looked in the bathroom first. It was very clean, with a shower and a bathtub. The sink was marble and so was the toilet. He looked in the mirror and almost shrieked.

He looked like a mess! He hoped Scott didn't think he was gross or anything.

He went back into the kitchen and asked if he could use the shower.

The 19 year old blonde boy smiled. "Of course!" He said, putting the nuggets in the oven.

Mitch went into the bathroom. He locked the door and turned on the water in the shower. He opened the closet in the bathroom and gasped.

There were so many different soaps and shampoos!

He grabbed one that smelled like roses, a bar of soap, and a loofa. He stripped and got in the shower.

As he showered, he thought about Scott and how nerdy he was. He giggiled at the thought of Scott nerding out over some calculation he made.

"Wait why am I thinking about him in the shower? I don't LIKE him! I just met him! Eewwww." He said to himself while washing his hair. He started washing his face. " I like him?" He muttered.

Then he washed his body. "I mean...who wouldn't like him? He has the most adorable giggle, he's caring, over apologetic, his pretty eyes, I wanna run my hands in his hair.....I WANNA RUN MY HANDS IN HIS HAIR OMG I LOVE HIM!"(*cough* thieteenquartz) He panicked and got out of the shower. He dried off and rummaged through the closet again. He found some cologne (by Pentatonix) and  perfume. He sprayed a rose one to go with the rose shampoo he used and hoped it wouldn't be too much. He rummaged in his bag for some clothes.

Scott knocked on the door.

Mitch squeaked.

"Y-yes?" He asked.

"I-i- got you some clothes because I figured you might not have any because I....uh......" He trailed off and Mitch was about to say something when Scott spoke up again. "Anyway it's out here if you need it." Scott said, going back to the kitchen.

Mitch sighed in relief.

He slipped out, grabbed the clothes and slipped back in. It was a hoodie and long black pants. He slid them on. Then he put on a little bit of eyeliner, grabbed his bag, and made his way back to the kitchen.

He realized the hoodie smelled like Scott and he started blushing as he walked in. Scott turned to him as he walked in.

"Wow you look g-g-good!" Scott stuttered, then turned away embarrassed. He handed Mitch a plate of food and pointed to the table. "Thanks, for the food and the compliment." Mitch winked and sat down.

Scott blushed even harder and grabbed himself a plate. He grabbed them both forks and sat down. He handed Mitch one and they both started eating.

Mitch moaned. "This is really good!" He said, shovelling it in.

Scott giggiled and started eating his.

When they finished, Mitch helped Scott wash the dishes and put them away.

Scott took him to the lab and showed him all of the gadgets and what he'd been working on.

Mitch listened to everything Scott had to say. He sighed dreamily and watched Scott work on something and talk about it.

"So will you?" Scott asked.

Mitch snapped out of his day dream.

"Uh, what?" Mitch asked. 

"I said, will you  stay here..with me? At least, until you can get a new base up and running." Scott said, putting the project away.

"But...there's only one bedroom." Mitch said.

"I's a pretty big bed, if you don't mind sharing. I could always sleep on the pull out couch." Scott said, scratching his neck.

"Sure. I call right side." Mitch said, taking off for the bedroom.

"Hey!" Scott shouted, giggiling and chasing after him.

They both jumped on the bed and started tickling each other and laughing. They laid down next to each other and looked into each other's eyes. Mitch smiled and Scott started giggling.

"You're so cute." Mitch muttered.

"What?" Scott asked.

"I said...uh...I should brush my teeth." Mitch said.

Scott giggiled.

"Uh huh, sure!" Scott said.

Mitch got up and headed to the bathroom. Scott followed him and they brushed their teeth.

When they finished they headed back to the bedroom and both got under the covers.

"Wait, who's gonna turn off the light?" Scott asked.

Mitch gulped.

"Not it!" Scott said, diving under the covers.

Mitch rolled his eyes and got out of bed. He flipped off the light switch and made his way back to the bed. He pushed down on the mattress to get on and wound up pushing down on Scott's arm.

"Ow." Scott said.

"Shit, sorry." Mitch said, finding his way to his side.

He heard Scott giggling into his pillow and he smiled to himself. He slapped Scott playfully.

"Hey!" Scott said, before bursting into another fit of giggiles. Mitch laughed.

"You're adorable." He said, closing his eyes. Scott blushed and closed his eyes.

"Goodnight Mitch." He whispered.

Mitch smiled.

"Goodnight Scott." He whispered back, falling asleep.

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