Chapter 1

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Jimin pov

I'm sitting on the bench ..! The area which covered with pink flowers exactly looking like romantic atmosphere

It's cold breeze hitting on my chubby cheeks which it was with pink dust formed on my cheeks.yes I'm blushing because I'm thinking about my one & only crush & my love "Jeon jungkook" im deeply mad in love with him ..!! He's so handsome with big doe eyes, flat lips..,and obviously he's is a muscle beast..!
He's a college crush for Everyone.. for every girls he's dream boy..!

Author pov

Park jimin one of the cutest person ..! Like angelic features with chubby cheeks & plump lips with cute fingers & little figure ..! With curvey waist.. for this boy even straight people become gay..! Everyone is obsessed with his features..!

But jimin think he's a ugly person .! Becoz every time jungkook insults him. About his features..!
He use rash words ..! He felt so bad about him becoz of his rash words..!

But jimin doesn't felt any wrong about him he's so deeply love with him.sometimes he felt bad but..! He will just move on

Jimin always take care of jungkook..! He concerns about him ..! He doesn't leave at any second..

Third pov ..!

Chimmmyyy .....!
Hey there you are..!
My chimmy what are you doing here..??
Nothing tae tae just enjoying the view..!
Are u enjoying the view orrrrr dreaming about ur crush..??

Jimin blushed while listening to tae words..!

"Stoop it tae"... awww my chimmy is blushing how cute you are
Tae kissed jimin chubby cheeks
Jimin just wipe his cheeks ..!

So what's up tae..! What's bring you here..?
Nothing chimmy I just searching for you..! I'm feeling so bored that's why..!

Tae it's getting late cmon..! We have to move to class..!
Yeah cmon chimmy..!

While there moving to hallway..!

Haah tae I forgot to bring my some books it's at locker room I will be in min..!
Yeah chimmy make it fast..!

While he entered into locker room..!
He heard some one of the couple giggling..! When he tilts his head upward his eyes meet with tall boy..
he's none other than jungkook one girl lean on his chest ..! His hands are wrapped into her waist..!
Jimin widened his eyes becoz sudden appearance of them ..! He doesn't expect this from them.

Jungkook smirks at jimin ..

What are you doing here jimin..?

Jimin just snapped out his mind..!

Haah..? What ..?

Are deaf or what..? Can't you listen what did i say to u..?
Sorry..! Jimin said

What are u doing here..?

I just came for my books..!

Then take it and leave from this place asap..! You dumb..!

"BABY" who's that..! He just ruined our moments..!

Baby He's just .....ugly piece just leave about him..

Jimin can't control his tears..! He's just controlling..!
Tears are forming in his eyes .. quickly he grabbed his stuff..! He moved out from locker room..!

Jungkook just sense it about jimin moves..
He felt pang in his heart..! But somewhat he ignored it..!

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