Chapter 17

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Next day...!
Jimin was in cafeteria along with his friends taemin is not there with him he had special class..
Jimin was talking with his friends so happily.. and laughing untill jeon Jungkook enter's into café.."

Hello my dear friends.." jungkook wished them very happily.."
Jimin looked at him and sighed heavily.."

He came near to him and

"Hi.." he whispered seductively in his ears.."

"Hello" jimin said with low tone.."

Jungkook sat beside him he was too close to him. body was too touching..

Jin was observing both of them small smirk appeared on his .."
Jungkook aa.. just now five minutes before yoori came here and she asked about you.."

Go to her..!

Aishh hyung I don't need of them.." and don't tell any thing about another girls ok..!

Why ..?
Because i found my real love..!

Really..?? Who's that..? Joonie asked him..

Then jungkook gaze turns to jimin .. he was fidgeting with his fingers due to nervousness ., Jungkook chuckled because of his cute behaviour.."
He took his small chubby hands into his large hands.. and bring to his lips.. kissed those cute knuckles
Jimin blinked his eyes cutely.."

"He's my love.." jungkook said proudly to everyone.."
Everyone is in bit of shock .. cuz suddenly jungkook was changed and he pouring lot of love on jimin how's it's possible..?they're thinking so briefly..

Jungkook looked at everyone .. and rolled his eyes "don't think too much Hyungs what I'm saying is truth don't get confused about it.."
"because my love is only for jimin now.." he stared into jimin eyes and said sincerely.."

Tae hyung saw sincere in jungkook eyes but somewhat he did fake cough to bring back them from their own world..".."
Then jimin broke the staring and yank his hand from jungkook's hold.."

Everyone cheered about them

They both are lost into eachother eyes.."

Ok hyung I had class bye see u at evng..! Jimin said bit goodbye to them and walk out from canteen.."

Jungkook quickly followed.." bye Hyungs see you later.." he said hurriedly and went off .."

Aish..." finally our jungkook fell in love with our cutie.."
yeah.." I'm so happy Jin stated.."

I don't trust him taehyung said in stern tone.."
I think it's all his act.."

Tae give him one chance Jin said.."
He sighed heavily and left there friends alone.."

That day jungkook never left jimin alone he always follows him wherever he goes like lost puppy.."
So many stares at them but jungkook didn't pay any attention on them and fully involved in jimin's.."

Jimin felt some kind of happy.. because he the one who follow him before but now he following him back.." he chuckles when he thought himself.."

Jimin quietly going for next class as usual jungkook was following him back like teenager guy who's following his crush .." with adorable bunny smile

but suddenly someone hugged jimin's back tightly.. jimin heart skip's a beat.." and turns back and it's taemin's.."
Taemin hugged him tightly..

aishhh taemin you scared me.."

"Aww sorry Angel"

It's ok taemin he smiled at him

Jungkook blood boiled with anger when someone touches which it's belongs to his..and that too it's taemin.." he can't take it anymore that easily "he clenched his fist tightly which his knuckles are turns into white..his face turns into red colour .."and then he angrily marched towards them.."

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