Chapter 14

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Next day.."

Jungkook was totally broken heart now ...." Now he realised about jimin's care and love.."

He doesn't want to go college but he have to because then he can clearly see his jimin.."

Slowly he's going to his class room he's not in mood to talk with his friends then his eyes met at jimin's.."

Jungkook eyes turned into glassy he doesn't know how to react .." he want hug him tightly and he want to shout loudly and introduce to world about jimin declaring as his lovely beautiful boyfriend.."
But in reality he hurts him a lot with his unforgivable behaviour."

Jimin was turned away to ignore jungkook gaze.." but deep inside he too hurting so badly after there clash jimin didn't saw his face.." after that day he didn't even try to see his face.."

Jungkook slowly came towards jimin .."
Jimin was trying to avoid his presence and try to act like cool infront of him then he heard his voice by calling his name.."


Then he lifted his face to see him .."

What..? He said stern tone

Can we talk for minute.."

For what..?

Please jimin just for few minutes.." he pleaded him

Then jimin slightly noded.."

Thanks he slowly whispered to jimin .."

In whole time taemin was so clingy to jimin he doesn't want to leave him
But jimin was doesn't show any interest on him he quietly listening to the class.."

After finish of there class jimin packing his things and try to exit from class but jungkook was so fast then him  he called and jimin turned back to face him .."

He holds jimin's hand and take him from that place.."
Jimin was shock when jungkook holds his hands and taking somewhere.."

Then they both arrived the most beautiful place which it's called pink blossoms tree garden.." where jimin proposed him and but he didn't accept his proposal and hurt him so badly .. bad memories hit him back.. so badly but he didn't try to cry infront of him.."

What do you want talk about..? He asked in stern voice
Jungkook was feeling so shame infront of jimin he doesn't deserve his forgiveness from his angel.." but still he want to apologise to his angel coz of his rude behaviour.." he lowered his head his eyes turn into glassy.."

J-jimin p-please I'm sorry he crack his tone while saying .."

For what..?

For everything.."

Oh my god the great jeon jungkook was apologise to this fag.." it's unbelievable he said in sarcastic .."

Jimin please jungkook pleaded him

For what mr.jeon why you apologise me now actually you felt very happy when you tease me and hurting me with bad words and playing with my feelings you feel very happy know then why you're apologise me now..?

Aaaaaaah.." now I got it you're feeling so bored and no one is there to bully so that's why you again approached me and start to play with me with your rude behaviour right.." he said in half sarcastic tone and half anger tone.."

J-Jimin please..

"Shut up....." he shouted at him

I'm really regretting to loving you jungkook I hate you and hate myself.."
You know when I first met you I totally fell in love with you jungkook you're my first crush and my first love I never felt like this before.." I really want to make you mine. everytime when I see you I felt my heart is beating so hardly.. at that moment I decided you're mine.."

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