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i woke up by my alarm sound i felt so annoying..
for me its Another boring day. Nowadays im not sleeping well because im thinking too deeply about one particular person i felt something im missing badly the precious one im confused i ruffled my hair harshly and get off my bed and completed my morning routine i skip my breakfast, i slang my bag on my shoulders and  heading to my college my friends are waiting for me at gateway i waved at them. we are parted away to our classes but my eyes are searching for someone else

lazily im stepping into our class then my eyes are met to him cute little angel then my heart skips for second he stares back at me then he tilted his head he completely ignoring me my heart clinches due to his actions I think I deserve this..

now-a-days jimin is looking so beautiful day by day he's glowing like an angel his body structure turn into feminine structure i can't move my single gaze at him, he's really ethereal. everyone trying to hit him even boys are trying to date with him but he kindly declines them in nice manner but one person is too clingy with him that stupid TAEMIN is not leaving him in single minute my blood boiled when i watch them its literally killing me inside...'

then i went to my place i shared my place with hobi then we are listening the class very concentratly

and our teacher said to us we have to do project with in one week i felt so bore and im so lazy to do these projects

then my teachers said we have to do group project with pair students then he started pair up and start reading names..

im just listening the names untill my name gets with someone

one particular name i heard i felt so happy actually I felt its look like sadistic mind ( my inner evil smile hehehe )

taemin got pairup with some one else i felt so happy

then taemin stared at jimin with puppy eyes jimin patted on his shoulders i didnt heard anything there conversation but jimin said something to him but whatever i felt so happy inside

then i heard my name

i tilted my head upwards now my face is brightining because i got pair up with my jimin..! That means I can spend time with him ( hurraaayyy )

then jimin slowly turned back with confusion and shock face

i smirk at him

ok students project will be submit at next monday these project marks will be add in your exams so all the best student be concentrate on your project submission

then i sat up from my place and i went to him

he glares at me and gulped

so jimin

y -yes jungkook

So when we should start our project..?

Hmm..We can start from today .. he shortly answered to me

so at which place we should do our project then..? at your home? or my home?

as your wish jungkook...

ok then i will come to your home today after the school ok....

hm-hmm ok jungkook..


the bell rang everyone heading out so i went out to backyard of college at cherry blosooms tree now a days im spending more time at that place i sat on bench im just enjoying the view and I closed my eyes and thinking about jimin slightly small smile appeard in my face
Then someone patted my shoulder..!

I turned back I saw him..!
Jin hyung..
Hey jungkook..!
Hi hyung..
Why you didn't come to canteen.. for lunch..?
I'm not starving hyung..
Oh I see..!
Hmm who told you about me I was here..?
Just guess..!

From past few day you're visiting this place frequently.. so o thought you will be here..
And Kook nowadays you're acting so strangely you're completely changed you know that..? Jin said to kook
Hah~ what do you mean hyung..?
I know it's all about JIMIN..
Jungkook eyes widen.. how he knew about me & jimin..?
Tell me jungkook what's bothering you..? Huh..?
Jungkook head was low a single tear drop falling down to cheeks..

Just tell me kook hyung is here for you
Hyung I did a mistake I'm fool.. I'm just stupid..he's sobbing..
Then quickly Jin pulled him into warm hug and caressed his back
Shh don't cry kook.. please don't cry ...

I rejected his proposal hyung..

I know kook..

Not only reject hyung.. I-I insulted him with harsh words..!

Jin didn't say anything he just listening the younger nearly words
Now I'm regretting everything hyung.. I miss him I miss him a lot his smile, caring, attention everything

He's not speaking with me hyung he used to stay away from me .. not approaching me like before..he not even glares at me.. he's not showing any attention towards me.. it's really killing me inside hyung I can't take it..

Everyone one had self respect kook..!
If you rejected or accepted it's your decision.
But pointing out on someone and hurting them is not your choice., if you hate anyone just avoid them but unnecessarily don't hurt them in that way kook just remember my words..

You know kook..jimin was so sensitive he didn't take your words easily he's really humiliated inside.. he can't tolerate it kook..
he try to move on but situation's didn't handles to him
I'm sorry hyung... I'm really such a bad person i make him cry .. I hurt him with my harsh words my little angel suffered a lot ...

Why are you saying sorry to me..? You have to apologise to jimin..

Jungkook was sobbing in his embrace

Shh please kook don't cry please I can't see you when you're crying please..
Hyung I want him I really want him hyung..
Then claim him kook..! Everyone deserves second chance.,
I can't face him hyung.. what will happen if he ignores him..? I can't take it
Kook I know but just try.. If you step back then we don't know how situations will change.. before any bad things could happen so just take step forward and sort out everything with jimin.. just make it fast. Don't think about it

Jungkook took Deep breath before opening his mouth....Ok hyung I will "CLAIM" him

Jin tapped his shoulders.. good come let's go..

Ok hyung..!!

Be ready for me "BABY" soon I will make you "MINE"

So finally he realised his love ❤️

Hello my lovely readers how are you all I hope everyone doing well..!! Be safe & take care..

By the way how's the chapter..? Feel free to comment 😌
Don't forget to vote guys especially for ghost readers 😜🤪
Sorry for my grammar mistakes..🥲
Enjoy the reading
Love you all goood night 😍

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