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Good morning students..., teachers greeted to his students

Everyone sat in there positions and everyone mumbling quietly which everyone eyes are shooted at specific person which he stand at main door of the

But jimin eyes spotted at outside of the window.. which he's not paying attention towards the class.

So students today we have new student which he transferred from London..
So please let you introduce yourself..!

Hello everyone I'm taemin treat me well thank you..!
While everyone watching him, when he introducing himself.but expect one guy is not even paying attention to him his eyes followed to that guy..

Ok taemin go and sit beside at "park jimin" jimin gazed at teacher while he listen his name from teacher..!
Then he glare at that boy who's standing at beside teacher.
Jimin raise your hand..
Then he raised his hand

Taemin pov.

Gosh is he human or angel..? He's such a freaking beautiful..!
He can't moved his glare at jimin he's mind stop working after he watch jimin

Then he walked towards the jimin place and sat besides him
Slowly he tilted his head to look jimin face clearly he just doomed by admiring his beauty..!

Hey..,hi he just stutter while he speaking..! Taemin greeted jimin

Hello~ he smoothly smile at him jimin greeted him
I'm taemin nice to meet you
I'm park jimin nice to meet you too.!
They shaked their hands..
Wow his hands are so soft cute

They became good friends in less time
They laughing and adding some crack jokes
They speaking about there personal things & hobbies everything

"But a pair of eyes didn't like it.." when jimin was being so closed to him.."

Then suddenly someone yelled at him from far way

Then jimin turned at back one figure is running to him
Woh woh what's the rush tae tae..? What happened..? Jimin asked in confused look.!

Nothing chim chim I didn't saw you from morning onwards so that's why ..!
Hehe I didn't ran away from anywhere tae I'm just here see.. he smiled at him

By the way who's he..?
He's taemin tae new student from London
Wooh..! Hello taemin I'm tae.., nice to meet you
Hello tae I'm taemin they greeted each other

Three members went to canteen to meet rest of the members..

At canteen

Hey mochiii they gang members waving at him from far
Three members went to them and sat beside them
At first Taemin was very shy to collaborate with them but after that seeing them he start speaking comfortably
So Hyungs he's my friend he's new student he's name is taemin..
Everyone greeted him politely and start there eating

Everyone easily mingle with taemin he's very nice, smart and innocent

Where is the stupid muscle brat..? Jin asked them
Who knows..? Rest of the people replied

At first jimin was tensed for listening of jungkook's name
Still he loving him so badly.. but he can't disturb him that's the point is running in jimin's head

Then jungkook came to canteen with random girl with full of laughs his hand was placing on her waist.

He felt heart broke again after watching them his mood was changed..
Then suddenly taemin hand placed on jimin hand

He can sense it because of his aura was suddenly changed into different one
Are you ok jimin..?
Yeah taemin I'm fine eat fast our next class is going to be start soon cmon quick..

Then someone is stand in front of him he sat infront of jimin
You muscle brat where are you..? Jin asked jungkook
Sorry hyung I'm busy with some works I didn't saw the time..

Wooh woh you're busy with some works..? Ok whatever eat lunch ..!

By the way he's new student here..he's taemin
Jungkook glare at taemin
Hello~Taemin greeted him
Hi~in stern voice jungkook greeted back

Jimin and taemin are talking about some random stuff and giggling cutely..

But some pair of eyes are glaring them intensely

Jimin can sense it someone is glaring at him but he simply shrugged it off and continued his eating.."

Ok Hyungs we are heading to class jimin said to them
Ok jimin bye..! Take care

Jimin grabbed Taemin hand and came outside from canteen

Wow they both are looking so cute together he's really cute hobi said..!
Yeah they both are looking so adorable I love them tae said with boxy smile which he headed to jungkook direction to watch his reactions.

Then suddenly jungkook stand from his place.,Ok Hyungs I'm leaving i have to go library

jungkook library is for studying not for another works mind it ..! Namjoon said in stern voice
Ik ik don't worry Hyungs bye..

Jungkook pov ::;

Today one new transfer student joined.." but I didn't show any interest on him .." but when our teacher said to sit beside jimin.." I felt like weird sensation.." somewhat anger.." but I shrugged it off then his laid on jimin.." he felt amused he watching jimin without blinking his eyes.." I don't know why I want to punch his face very badly.."

"I know no one can resist jimin charms..he's beautiful at core"

Wait did I say beautiful..?!


I just staring at him with boring holes then he quietly sat beside jimin.." they're introduced eachother with shaking hands.., and most importantly jimin smiled at him .. my blood boiled in anger how can he smile at him.."

"Goshh his smile is more beautiful.."

After the class they're both chit chatting something and jimin was looking so comfortable with him

Urggh jungkook what are you thinking..! Do whatever he wants why do you cares..? I just console my self .."
After that they went to canteen along with taehyung I want to follow them but one chick is blocked my way and she's looking so hot..then I talked with her sometime and I did some nasty things with her and came along with her chuck to canteen.."

After I entered to canteen I saw jimin with that stupid taemin.." ( a/n; sorry taemin it's all about story purpose but I like you a lot..')

I went to them I sat infront of him but my eyes didn't left at jimin .."! Then that stupid taemin touches jimin's hand.."! WTF."" I really want to destroy his face with my hard punches.."

But I tried to ignored it."
Then jimin and went to nxt class he even didn't spare a glance at me it really hurt to me.."

So finally he moved on ..? With that stupid taemin ..,!

He looks so happy with him,I watched them from morning onwards the way he talking with him laughing with him..! He looking so comfortable with him ...!! So you finally choose one..!
Jeonlous mood on 😂😂
End of the chapter...

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I will update soon

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