Chapter 2

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What happened chimmy..? Are you ok..?

Nothing tae tae..! I'm good..

Then why are looking so tensed..?

I'm just in hurry tae we are getting late for class.come let's go

Yeah ok chimmy..

Time skips...

In canteen everyone gathered at table with food trays..

Heyy chimmy how's ur day today cutie..? Namjoon asked..
Everything is fine hyung I'm good

By the way where's jungkook.?
Yeah this muscle brat didn't arrive until now..what he's doing until lunch break..? Jin spoke
Who knows.? Yoongi replied

After few minutes jungkook arrived with random girl..! They're giggling with laughs.. entire canteen was watching them

Haah he's coming..! Jin spoke with smirk.

Jimin tilt his head towards to jungkook
His heart flinching when he saw them ..

Hey....! Hyungs jungkook greeted with bunny smile..!
Who is that girl..! Namjoon asked jungkook
Just for fun hyung just leave it.. muscle brat how could you behave like that..? Everyday you're changing different girl is that something game for you..? Or what..?

Jin hyung don't mad at me don't take it seriously please hyung jungkook fake cry..!

Enough enough stop acting and now eat..

Jimin just glaring at his knees..! With blank expression

Cutie..jimin .... Jiminiee..jimin.........aaahhh

Haa hyung... jimin replied

are you there..? How many times I called you but you didn't respond is everything ok chimmy..?
Namjoon asked..!

Jungkook gave deep glare at jimin..!

Haa nothing hyung I'm absolutely fine

Ok then first of all complete your lunch ok..!
Yess hyung

Time skips..

Everyone entered there classrooms

Jungkook sat at last bench..with hope
Jimin sat at first bench with tae..

Then Teacher entered into class.. and begin teaching
Everyone is following through lesson
Class is going to be end & teacher start speaking

So students show me your homework which I gave you yesterday..!
So everyone kept there homework's on there desk ..!
So who are didn't complete there homework just stand up at your place..!
Jimin just tilt his head at backwards when jungkook is trying to standup..!
Then Quickly jimin throws his book towards at jungkook..!

Then quickly jimin standup at his place
Jungkook was shocked due to his sudden action.
He try to speak but jimin quickly stand up from his place..

Chimmy what are you doing..? Do you want to take punishment from teacher..? Are you mad ..?

Jimin just smiles at tae..

It's ok tae it's just for kookie ..✨

Tae sighs for jimin action...

At end of the college...! Six boys gathered at college gate..! Expect jimin..!
Hey where is jimin..? Jin asked with worried expression at tae..

Hyung he's taking punishment form teacher..!
Everyone gasped..
Yes hyung our chimmy is punished
But why..? Namjoon asked..!

All because of this muscle brat.. hope replied with irritated face..!

What because of jungkook is he punished..?
Yes hyung hope & tae explain the whole story to his members..!
You muscle brat.! Everyone yelled at jungkook

Wooh wooh calm down Hyungs why are you yelling at me..? It's not my fault I'm just trying to stand,he's suddenly throws his book on me.. I didn't even ask his help then why he wants to help me..? It's not my fault guys..why you all are mad at me..?

You stupid you're dumb you're asking this question..? He helped you from punishment and you're simply saying why are you mad at me..?? Hah..!

Ooh just stop it hyung enough that's enough because of that dumb jimin you all are yelling at me because of that stupid jimin.. first time I'm watching you all are yelling at me..!

You know what he try to act innocent,kind hearted person infront of all of us..! He just need all attention towards him.. he acts to smart infront of us that's it nothing more from him..

Just stop it jungkook you're talking nonsense- tae spoke with anger face

And suddenly small figure is behind them..
Everyone tilt there head at backward

J-Jimin... how been onwards are you here..?

Everyone gasped at jimin

Jimin eyes was turned into red puffy eyes with tears he can't even uttered a single word.. his heart was clinching due to jungkook words..

jimin ran away from that place..with heavy heart break..
Tae followed towards jimin...

Chimmy stop .... Jiminnnnn...

On other hand jungkook was feeling anger at jimin

Why this "little" fellow wants to help me
Did I hurt him ..!? Instead of saying thanks..?
Aarghhh jungkook what did you done to him ..?
Should I say sorry to him..? Arghhh~

End of the chapter
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