Chapter 18 FINAL

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Jimin and jungkook are being so close from one week..! But still jimin didn't said anything about his feelings..! Because he want to trust him he's not ready for another breakdown so that's why he's taking time to accept him.."

Jungkook was completely changed his behaviour he's not like before like flirting with other girls.." and not a cocky person at all. He showering a lot of love to his jimin. Everytime he's giving his time only for his love he try to prove his love only for his jimin .." he so protective towards him and behaving like a gentleman to jimin.." jungkook just want jimin's trust on him.."

Taehyung was keeping an eye on jungkook weather his acting or real.." but after he confirmed himself jungkook was totally changed.." and he's truly loving jimin at core.."

Jimin was in his classroom and right beside jungkook was sharing place with him .." he can't leave jimin for single minute.."

baby.." today evening can we go out for dinner..?

Not today kookie I had lot of work to do with my projects.." may be next time.."

No baby you're coming today with me that's all.." he whining like a small baby.."

Jimin cooed at his behaviour and exactly looking like a small baby.."

He smiles at him and pinched his cheeks with his small chubby hands.."

Ok ok don't act like a baby We're going for dinner today ok..!

Yaayyy..! Thank u baby.." by the way I'm not baby I'm handsome chunk you're my baby.." he pulled him closer by his waist
Jimin blushed when jungkook doing such a flirty things to him.."
Gosh my baby was blushing.."
Stop it.." Kookie he playfully punched on his chest with his small baby hands.."
Jungkook pulled him more closer and hugger him so tightly and placed a lovely kiss on his forehead.." jimin smiled at him with sparky eyes.."
they enjoyed some lovely moments.."together for while.."

Time skips..!

Jimin was in library reading some books alone jungkook was attending another class.."

Then someone tapped jimin's shoulder..' and then he turned back to see him.." and it was taemin .."

Hi taemin you just startled me.."

I'm sorry baby jimin..!

Haha it's ok..!

How are you Jimin nowadays you're going to be so busy with jungkook..!

Yeah somewhat.." light pink shade appears on his cheeks..!

You guys are together..? Taemin asked him in low tone..'
Jimin jolted up his head when taemin asked him sudden question..'

He was trying to answer his question..!

Umm..! Actually..'

No need to feel hesitant towards me jiminaa..! I knew this before..' at the end you both will ended up together..'
I'm happy for you both..' he smiled at him but lone tear fallen from taemin's eyes..'
Jimin felt very bad and guilt towards him..'
I..I'm sorry taemin
Why should you apologise me jiminaa..' it's not at all fault at u than why you're saying sorry to me..'
you love him a lot right then you're heart belongs only to him not any others..' just be happy with him if you're happy then I'm so happy..' he smiled at him ..'
Thank you so much taemin..! Thank u for understanding me..' I hope you will find better partner than me..! Which he takes lot of care towards you..! All the best taeminaa..!
Thank you jiminaa..!
They both smiled at each other..'

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