Chapter 13

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Jungkook pov

My mind was not being working properly.." about yesterday clash between me & jimin it's really turned into worse nightmare to me .." I really want to apologise my Jimin about my harsh behaviour.." and literally I give it to him a lot of pain .." today I will propose him .." And I will get him back to me.."I will claim him.." at any cost.." I will make him to love me again.." I will showered him with my love and I will cage him in my heart forever.."

Just wait for me jimin I'm coming.."

then I rushed to college.. to see my baby.."
I was searching for him but some girls are blocked my way .. I'm not in mood for their flirty behaviour.. they're just trying to seduce me.' But still My eyes are looking for my jimin then I sternly ignored this girls and left that place.." then I'm searching for him then finally I found him in hallway.." when I was going to him suddenly tae was approached jimin but still I'm moving towards him then suddenly he burst into tears and hugged him tightly.." then I felt pang in my heart.." I knew he was crying because of me.." then tae dragged him somewhere then I slowly followed them.."

Now they're at terrace slowly I was peeking through from door.." I can clearly heard their conversation.."
Every words from jimin is like breaking my heart..I know I hurt him a lot.." but he loved me a lot.." and last but not least I heard a word from jimin it's like my world is destroyed at that time.."
"""""""he try to move on.."""""" jungkook was in shock his eyes are filled with tears.." his heart was broken.." he wants it like nightmare but sadly it was worst reality.."
Then he ran from that place and straightly went to his house.."
he was crying mess his heart was totally felt heavy pain & sharp stabbing when he heard those words from jimin
Now he was numb he was totally in numb.." he doesn't know how to react.." I was blankly staring outside from window.." he slowly closed his eyes tears falling from my eyes.."

"𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚝 "me" 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔."

• Kookieee.." here take some banana milk ur fav one .. -no thanks jin hyung already gave me.." with angry stern voice

• Kookie can I come with you I'm feeling so bored.."
No don't come with me I have to enjoy my self." In between if you around with me I feel disgusted.."

• Kookie come with us it's very nice place we will enjoy a lot.."
If you come with us it definitely ruined our happiness better you should drop we will all go to that place and enjoy ourselves..

• How many times I have to say you jimin just stay away from me."
I'm sorry kookie.." he's in verge of crying

• Omg why did you touch my phone..? Without my permission..?
I- I didn't mean to touch your phone kookie your forgot this phone at café so that's why- - -

• In our gang everyone are handsome hunks that's why I feel proud when I'm with you guys .." but except with one person this small bean he doesn't look like a human he's just little piece of sh*t -jjk

• Gosh this sh*t always clingy towards me he never leave me for one second.."
I will leave you kookie I'm sorry.."

And last but not least rejected his proposal with hurting words.."

Then jungkook suddenly opened his eyes he doesn't know tears are already dripping down from his cheeks.."

regret- guilt- hurt- pain - love now everything is mixed emotions for jungkook feeling right now.."

I'm fool idiot.." how can I hurt him so badly like that with my words he doesn't deserve monster like me he's such a pure angel he always loves me even when I hurt him he always shows his bright smile he never showed us his painful & hurtful face to us.."but still he always gives attention towards me but I always pushed him back with my dirty vulgar behaviour.."
I'm sorry jiminaah I'm really sorry baby.." please forgive me .." can I get you back..? Can you be mine.?
Will you forgive your kookie..?

I think it's too late.."

Jungkook was crying very badly with top of his lungs.." anytime he can faint at any moment.."
Now he's mind & brain chanting only one name

"Park jimin"

💕I 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 YOU 💕

How are you my lovely readers..? I hope everyone doing great.."

"Sorry for late update.."

again I will update in one week.." please don't mind guys.."
please vote.."🗳
Be safe everyone 💕

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