Chapter 16

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Jimin came to his house and locked himself in his room he fell on his bed.." and thinking about Jungkook which it's happens earlier.."

He was spaced out and touching his lips himself a slight blush appeared on his chubby cheeks.." he's just thinking about how jungkook apologise him and touch him and finally kissed him.." his first kiss by his crush and loved ones.." somewhat he felt happy and same time he afraid.. because is it really jungkook changed..! Or because of guilt he behaves likes that..? He totally lost in his thoughts.."

Then he hurriedly went to his soulmate house to clarify all his doubts which it's running in his brain like roller coaster.."
Then he knocks his best friend house door.. he can't stand properly because of nervousness.."he biting his nails sweating too much.." cuz of anxiety.."

Then taehyung opens the door.." and his widened jimin comes to his home very rarely only taehyung's go to jimin's home every time.." chimmy what are u doing here at this time..?
Tae tae I have to say something it's very urgent & important can come in..!?

"Yeah sure chimmy sorry come in."

Then they both settled on the couch in living area.
Jimin was fidgeting with his fingers he doesn't know how to start the conversation..!

Chimmy are you ok you're looking so nervous do you want some water..?

No tae I'm alright thank you.!

Then tell me what's bring you here..?

Tae actually..!

Hmm tell me chimmy.."


Taehyung clenched his fist when he heard that name.." what about him..? Now..?
Taehyung said in stern tone.." anger can clearly see in his face..


Tell me chim I'm listening

Jungkook proposed me tae.."


Taehyung shouted at him

Tae please..! Calm down first let me explain you..!

Explain of what jimin..? I already told you before don't go near him and forget about him.." but what's this all..?

Jimin lowered his head down and started sobbing.."

Then taehyung calms himself when he heard sobbing sounds from jimin.."

Chimmy I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you I'm just anger on that idiot so please try to understand.."

It's ok tae.. I understand..

Tell me now how it happened.!

Then jimin tell everything clearly from starting to ending.."

Taehyung listened everything with widen eyes the way jungkook kissed him and cried and apologised him is totally different to hears that.."

Then jimin was staring at him and waiting for taehyung's reply.."


Chimmy did you forgive him..?

Yeah.." I saw his sincerity in his eyes tae tae that's why I forgive him.."

Taehyung just slightly nodded.."

Then what about his proposal..?

Jimin lowered his head .. I don't know tae tae he slightly whispered..

I don't know chimmy it's depends on all your decisions but about me.. I will never forgive those kinds of idiots because he hurts you jimin I don't know what to say

Tae I came hear to take your advice but your not giving anything he sobbed lightly.."

Jiminaaa..! Don't trust him that easily jiminaa.! We don't know what his plan is .. you forgive him right then it's ok but don't accept his proposal too early let's see what he will do.."' I know jungkook is not that easy person he's very tough .. then what makes him that easily changes his heart..? Is this any kind of trick or what..? Taehyung was thinking.." along with jimin they're both are lost in thoughts.."

Jiminaa..." don't melt that easily let's see how will he behaviour at you .." again if he do anything shit I will break all his bones.." so let's see how it will go far.."

What do you think..?
As you're wish taehyungaa.." even I too not ready for another breakdown because I'm so tired off.."

That good.." then he hugged him tightly..

It's getting late Jimin why can't you stay here tonight..?


They're both went to taehyung room and jimin throw himself on bed.."

"good night chimmy.."

Good night tae tae.."

Jimin just try to close his eyes but one message popped up on screen.."

"He opened the message and when he saw it's from jungkook.."

"Hey beautiful good night see you tomorrow I can't wait to see you.. and I'm eagerly waiting for starts the love game.."  good night my precious love you 😘.."

Jimin didn't reply to his message.." and he placed his phone at beside the table...And drifted into sleep.."

To be continued..

Hey guys hope u like this chapter I'm trying to complete this boring story with in three chapter I didn't have much interest to continue this.." I try to rewrite this story but I can't I'm so tired of this boring story so that's why Didn't change any story lines except in 6th chapter.."

Im writing another story it's full of heartbreaking story lines I just poured all my feelings in that book when I'm writing that story literally I cried myself.." hope you like that book too.."after completing this book I will publish that book.." hope you support that book also

Bye see you lovelies.."

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