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Jungkook I love you ..!

For moment it was totally silent they were staring at each other with silence emotions

Then suddenly jungkook starts maniacly he doesn't stop laughing at jimin which he's getting tears from his eyes and he wiping it off with his large fingers

Jimin was so confused state  at this moment ..!

Jungkook why are laughing..? Did I say anything wrong..?

Nothing park jimin .! I was just surprised for your sudden pranks..!

What..? This is not prank jungkook I was saying truly

Then stop joking jimin..!

Omg this is also not even joke  jungkook..! Why are you not listening my words..?
I'm truly confess my feelings to you.

Jungkook sighs..and start speaking..

Woow jimin seriously you're such a brave guy..sorry you're not guy you're fag..& slut Now I can truly understand you
For your kind information I'm not a fag like you I'm straight
Do you think I can really accept your proposal Fag..?
Anyone else love you ..? Like chubby cheeks boy & ugly face.? just look at your self in mirror.

You know what I hate you from since we met at first meet your always weird and clingy at me.your always shows attention on me I don't like your presence at near me
I hate you park jimin..
Stay away from me you little fag ..

That's it jimin heart broke into millions pieces
Slowly From his hand Roses,chocolate,card are falling slowly to the ground.
Because he was in shock for jungkook words
his eyes is filled with heavy tears.. cheeks are becoming red He doesn't know how to react on jungkook words his love of his life insults with harsh words he doesn't expect from jungkook even he call him fag.. & slut that was the main words to break his heart

Jungkook if you hate my presence.. then why can't you say that to me..? Finally he formed sentences to say jungkook with heavy heartbreak 💔

If you don't like me then why can't you warns me jungkook..?
Then I can leave your happiness right..! I don't want to bother you jungkook I don't want to spoil your happiness because I - I love you with bottom of my heart he said in sobbing

Sorry jungkook for bothering you with my behaviour
I will never disturb you again
And thank you for reminding my place.

He left the place with heavy heart breaking

Jungkook pov

Aisshh finally he is out of my life..! Did he think I can accept his love..! What a pity.

Then he don't bother me finally I can leave happily.

But why my heart clenches when he was crying..?

Aissh jungkook don't think more about him just leave it
I just walked out of that place just stamped on roses and walk out from that place..

End of jungkook pov

Meanwhile jimin walking slowly his mind is full of jungkook harsh words he just gave up on jungkook easily because he can see easily hates in jungkook words and in his eyes
He want to cry hardly. Then suddenly someone back hugs him
chimmyyyyy what happen to you why are you crying..? Tell me chimmy..

Then jimin suddenly Buries his head into tae's chest
He started crying hardly..!
Chimmy calm down please don't cry and tell me what happened..! He cares his back slowly..

Tae he hates me tae he doesn't love me I just gave up on him ..!



-End of the chapter
-Sorry for my grammar mistakes
-Keep voting
-Stay safe my lovely jikookers..♥️

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