Chapter 9

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Jungkook was feeling so happy.. cuz today he will meet his jimin at his home he feeling so excited
Hours are going too slow like years.. he's thinking how college complete soon..!
Finally college time is completed he's heading over to his house.. then his eyes landed on specific couple.

"Taemin & jimin" are at exit gate they're hands are intertwined they are discussing something but jungkook didn't heard anything but watching them so intensely from far .. jimin was blushing so hardly he can clearly see him jungkook anger mode on he feeling so fuming inside.. he want to punch all over his face which he's touching "HIS" man..he want to ripped of his hands..! And because of taemin jimin is blushing and laughing cutely & giggling for taemin's words..!

[a/n; idk why but I like this video so much

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[a/n; idk why but I like this video so much..! The way taemin calls him and obviously Jimin is like cute adorable baby we knew that..😍]

And the most heartbreaking moment he saw..! What it was is..Taemin kissed Jimin forehead & cheeks..jimin was blushing hard then he palmed his face with his small hands..!And buried his head in taemin's chest..!

"Little don't know someone is watching him with anger"

Jungkook can't control himself.. his blood boiled with anger he thought jimin is still loving him but no.." what he saw in front of him his thoughts really erased from his mind..

"How can you easily give up on me Jimin"...? Can't you just wait for me while..?Is that taemin is perfect to you..? He gritted his teeth and fist his knuckles..with anger..,

You will pay for me jimin..! what have u done to me..!
Just wait & see.. "PARK JIMIN" what will I do to u..
Just wait & see..
His anger eyes.. his evil smirk.. can say everything now how will he ruins jimin's life..!

"Poor mochi"😞

[a/n:sorry for short chapter]

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