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i. like magic !

storybrooke maine

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storybrooke maine .

HENRY WAS QUICKLY RUSHED TO STORYBROOKE HOSPITAL, almost dangerously at the hands of Emma behind the wheel. Winnie sat in the backseat with Henry, looking the boy over and putting her medical knowledge and background as a registered nurse to good use.

Christopher, for possibly the first time, was in the front seat- which may have been exciting had he not been sobbing into his best friend's jacket, of which Winnie had removed from Henry and asked him to hold.

They reached the hospital at record breaking speed, and Henry was quickly removed from the little yellow Volkswagen Beetle and placed on a portable hospital bed, quickly becoming accompanied by Doctor Whale.

Christopher held tight to the jacket in his arms and watched the bustle of the hospital, finally settling eyes on his mother- who was walking alongside the doctor.

"His airway is clear." Winnie stated, holding the metal bar on the side of the bed, helping push it while Emma tugged Christopher along, holding Henry's book bag in her other hand.

"He ate something?" Doctor Whale asked as they approached a private room.

"Yes, and no he didn't vomit." Winnie confirmed as the doctor pulled out a flashlight and checked Henry's pupils.

"No convulsing or disorientation?"

Emma stepped in, brandishing the apple turnover in a plastic bag, "He took a bite of this and then he just collapsed. So run the tests for bleach, or arsenic, or drano, or whatever could have done this to him."

Doctor Whale glanced at Winnie, whom he was aware had a slight background in the medical field, "This boy is showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxin. So whatever's going on, this is not the culprit." He grabbed the bag and held it up to Emma to illustrate his point.

"What else could it be?" Emma asked.

Winnie shared a look with the doctor, both as clueless as the other, "We aren't sure, hun, that's what we're trying to figure out." She stated.

Emma looked pleadingly at Winnie, "He's gonna be okay though, right?"

Winnie couldn't respond, instead busying herself with tending to Henry by taking over the ambu bag another nurse had brought in.

Christopher's voice came from near the doorway, shaky and unsure of himself, "He'll be fine, right mama?"

Winnie looked to Doctor Whale, silently asking him to respond so she wouldn't have to, "Right now, we just need to stabilize him." Whale stated, nodding towards the ambu bag that Winnie was steadily compressing, "That's what your mother is working on there. Is there anything else you can remember, any little detail?"

EVERY LITTLE THING ⇀ ( KILLIAN JONES )Where stories live. Discover now