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i. never really gone !

 never really gone !

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storybrooke maine .

A CRACKLE OF LIGHTENING PUNCTURED THE AIR LIKE THE POP OF A CHILD'S BALLOON. A young boy screamed, fighting against his mother's arms as she held him away from the danger, which resided in an old wishing well only paces away.

Henry cried as the electric green storm grew stronger, praying for Rumplestiltskin or Regina to do something- anything- to save his family and best friend.

Mr Gold was adamant, standing calmly, leaning against his cane and staring into the swirl of magic as it lit up his face with blinding light.

Their plan was to destroy the likely place a portal jumper could enter their impossible little town.

Regina closed her eyes to her son's cries, thinking about the possibility between getting Emma, Snow, and Christopher back home, or letting her destructive mother wreak havoc on her life once again.

She thought this decision would be easier.

Gold was right, they couldn't let Cora into Storybrooke. She would stop at nothing for her own personal gain, and that trait in a woman as powerful as her was lethal.

Yet the more Regina fought to hold her son back from the slowly crumbling well, the more she began fighting with herself.

"They're going to come through!" Henry insisted, gripping onto his mother's arms, "I know it! You said you wanted to change, to be better... This is how."

There was no telling who could come through that portal.

It could be her mother, god knows that Regina believed it would be.

Yet it could also be her son's birth mother, her son's grandmother, and her son's best friend.

It could be Winnie's son.

That woman had lost too much already- some of which had been Regina's own fault.

Regina would be damned if she was, yet again, the reason Winnie lost another son.

Slowly, she turned to the crackling well, taking cautious and calculated steps towards it, before picking up her pace with abandon.

"Regina!" Mr Gold warned, although his protest didn't continue, he simply waited and watched as she approached the storm.

In his own heart there laid a similar guilt to the one that Regina had been battling. Winnie losing her sons was a shared burden. A shared blame.

He too, was not proud of having come to this decision to destroy the well. Yet his rationality and need for self preservation always won over in the end. As such was the life of a coward.

EVERY LITTLE THING ⇀ ( KILLIAN JONES )Where stories live. Discover now