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i. not easily broken !

the enchanted forest

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the enchanted forest . now .

THERE WASN'T MUCH THAT CHRISTOPHER COULD DO TO AVOID SEEING THE MASS OF BODIES LAYING ABOUT, and Emma had given up trying to cover his eyes. He instead tried to keep his gaze on the table in front of him, occasionally glancing at the man they had found in the ruin- who seemed almost traumatized as he played with the scruff of his beard nervously and rubbed at his nose as if disturbed by the stench that surrounded them.

Christopher decided to simply cross his arms over the surface of the table, leaning his head on them tiredly and nuzzling into the soft material of his sweater, closing his stinging eyes and not knowing that the man at the head of the table was now looking at the boy with furrowed eyebrows, a certain amount of concern written in his face at Christopher's exhaustion.

"Here you go." Emma had returned with wooden cups, offering one to the man, Christopher, and Aurora- while Mulan had returned with enough water in her waterskin to fill those cups.

"I can't thank you enough for your kindness." The man sat up, speaking timidly and bowing his head slightly as he did so. "Fortune, it seems, has seen fit to show me a favour."

He drank from the cup gratefully, and Christopher sluggishly lifted his heavy head to do the same.

Emma leaned over the table powerfully in an almost offensive stance that told Christopher that she absolutely did not trust the man before them.

"An island full of corpses, you're the only one to escape. How exactly did that happen?" Emma asked, hiding the accusative nature behind a soft tone.

"She attacked at night." He spoke fearfully. "Slaughtered everyone in one fell swoop. When she started ripping out people's hearts, I hid under the bodies of those who had already been killed. Pretended to be dead myself. Mercifully, the ruse worked."

Snow and Aurora stood behind Christopher now, having regrouped to listen in on the slight interrogation going on.

"So much for fortune favouring the brave." Emma muttered.

"It was all I could do to survive."

Emma paused, glancing at Christopher and meeting his eyes in silent conversation.

She was asking him what he thought, having recognized that the boy had his mother's gift. A certain instinct that she had taught him, that was to see into the very hearts of people. To see their souls, and not their words or actions or outward appearance.

Christopher understood the questioning glance, silently turning to observe the man, while everyone observed Christopher and waited patiently for what answer he'd come upon.

EVERY LITTLE THING ⇀ ( KILLIAN JONES )Where stories live. Discover now