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i. love, everlasting !

the enchanted forest

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the enchanted forest .

A YOUNG GIRL LIES IN WAIT WITH BAITED BREATH, feeling cool metal and rough wood against her neck as she bunches up her oversized shirt and presses further against the convenient wall of barrels in an attempt to curl up and disappear into the dark shadows they cast, hiding from something beyond. Her childish naivety refused to remind her that her shirt was, in fact, a bright, vibrant, highly noticeable red, as her eyes remained tightly shut beneath wide circular glasses that were almost comically too large for her small face.

She listens to every light crash of the calm waves, every flap of sails flowing in the same wind that mussed up her chocolate brown hair, flying it into her eyes and mouth as she quietly spit out a few bothersome strands, her sounds being overpowered by every creak, and groan, and footstep thrumming through the floorboards of the magnificent ship she was huddled upon.

"I know you're here, little robin." A male voice sang over the breeze, an accent similar to her own grasping at his cautiously amused voice, taunting her as he crept about the steadily rocking ship.

The girl squished herself further into a ball, leaning heavily against her protective pile of barrels as she heard the shuffling nature of the man's search, still not opening her eyes as she made herself smaller and smaller, entirely unaware that her hiding spot had been exposed.

"Aha!" A scream ripped from the girl's lungs as she was suddenly heaved into the air and into the arms of her captor, "Gotcha."

Wrapping her arms around the man's shoulders to stabilise herself, she dissolved into giggles as her round glasses bumped haphazardly against his, "Papa! You found me."

"Ah, I'll always find you, my dear Winnifred." Her father promised with a grin, hiking up the girl in his arms as he lazily tickled her side. "There isn't a single thing in this vast world that could possibly keep me from you."

The young Winnie beamed, bright and toothy, and rosy cheeked. The innocence of childish wonder residing in her deep brown eyes, which shone a lighter, honey-golden colour in the kindness of sunlight. She had the smile of a girl that had never known heartache. Had never known fear. Had never heard the creaking, frightening sound of the soul right in the moment before it shatters irreparably into a thousand little pieces.

As unfortunate as it was for the girl, it seemed as if the world was intent on bestowing upon her these undeniably cruel experiences. Though, there is a comfort in knowing that a time could exist before the inevitably of pain. Where her love came easy, and was entirely blameless.

EVERY LITTLE THING ⇀ ( KILLIAN JONES )Where stories live. Discover now