Chapter 4

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Finally, it was quiet now there's just one problem, 'Of fucking cause.' Louis laid in his bed and of course, he couldn't fall asleep again. The clock showed that it was two-thirty am, 'This is a shoot,' he thought before he dialed Zany's number. "Ello," a very sleepy voice answered on the other end of the phone. "Zayn, can we meet at our place?" There was quiet on the other end, for a second he thought that Zayn fell back asleep, "I'll be there in five, take your guitar with ya." With that said,  Zayn ended the call.

Louis got dressed as quietly as he could, he had no idea if Gemma and Harry were light sleepers or if they were deep sleepers, but considering that there is a baby in the house they must be light sleepers. He opened his window before walking out of his room. 'It feels weird to walk in my own home like this, it feels a bit like I'm going to rob it.' Pushing the paranoid away he walks down the stairs and he doesn't really know if he's surprised to see the light turn on in the kitchen, or not. He can also hear someone having a small conversation, he doesn't really want to hear what they say to each other it's not in his place to be. "Gemma Lux is ready to get her bottle," he hears Harry say. 'I gotta fucking go before they hear me and start asking me questions Louis shakes his head and goes straight to the door, he opens it as quietly as he can but just to his luck the door creaks, "Who the hell is going out now?" Louis hears Harry say. He gets a small panic attack, and his brain starts to scream 'Gotta go' He slams the door closed, all Harry sees is the top of Louis' head. He started his walk down the dark streets, the only light coming from the moon.

Louis crosses the street, there's light in the basement which means that Zayn is already there. "You're late," Zayn said as he finished the mix. Zayn is sitting at the table with his back turned to Louis, he learned that Zayn has the ability to hear who comes based on their walking. "I know, I'm sorry," he walks over to take a seat beside Zayn. Zayn turns his head a bit so that he can see the boy. "You look like shit Lou," Zayn turned his head back to the mix. Louis sighs and takes his guitar off his shoulder, he plays a few chords, "Haven't been able to fall asleep." Zayn nods his head and fills the bong with water, he passes the bong to Louis. Who gives him a look of confusion, "Lou, you need this more than me so you can start it." Louis doesn't say anything to deny him, for he knows very well that it is true. He holds a finger over the hole and starts the bong, the first drag tastes most like tobacco. So as soon as he got it started and got the smoke in his lungs he removed his finger from the hole and he blew the smoke out he held in, and he blew the rest of the smoke from the bong out through the hole.

He holds his finger over the hole again and takes another hit, he removes his finger from the hole as he is sucking the rest of the smoke into his lungs. He passes the bong back to Zayn as he blows it all out, Zayn gladly takes the bong, but before he takes a hit he says, "Ways to start Tommo" . Louis smiles and starts to play the chords to 'Three little birds' on his guitar. Usually, he would have played music from his phone, because he doesn't like it when it's quiet. But since Zayn had asked him to bring his guitar it would be a waste if he didn't play something on it. Zayn puts the bong down in front of Louis and blows the smoke out, and then starts to sing the first verse, and at the chords to the first chorus starts they both sing:

Singing' don't worry 'bout a thing

'Cause every little thing gonna be alright

Singing' don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing

'Cause every little thing gonna be alright

One look at each other and they were both sitting with big goofy smiles on their faces, trying not to laugh. In only just two seconds Louis' face was all serious, "But honestly Zayn, you gotta help me... I can't let them get too close to me," at this point, Louis was freaking out, couldn't sit still, he walked around the basement like a lost poppy. "Louis, what happened after Liam and I left?" Louis looked down at his friend, took a few deep breaths, and started to explain, "Well I walked up to my room and the baby wouldn't stop crying... After some time I walked downstairs to make a cuppa in the hope that I would be able to fall asleep. Gemma sat in the kitchen crying because her daughter Lux wouldn't stop crying. She said that she failed as a mother... I told her she didn't, I made her a cuppa, I even hugged her. Walked into the living room where Harry was trying to make Lux stop crying... I asked if he needed help and he looked at me with those big green begging eyes. I gave him a cuppa as well before I took Lux in my arms, and as I started to rock her she stopped crying." Louis sat down and pulled his legs to his breast and took a few deep breaths again. Zayn looked at him with wide eyes, "She just stopped crying?" Louis nodded his head and closed his eyes, "I've never held her before, I hadn't even seen her before today... But the way her eyes lightened up when I took her from Harry... It was a precious moment, but I can't let that happen again," a single tear fell on his cheek and he quickly removed it. "Zayn I can't just let them tear the walls I've spent so much time building, I can't just let them tear them apart."

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