Chapter 6 part 2

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"How about I make some popcorn while you chose a movie for us to watch?" Gemma asked walking out of the room not waiting for an answer, cause she already knew they would say yes.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" Niall asked after a few minute3s of silence. Harry was just sitting and looking at the screen, not making any moves to find a movie or even cast a glance at his friend. You would have thought that Niall putting his arm around his shoulders would make him react, but no he just sitting staring out in the empty air. Niall wanted to comfort his friend but he was interrupted by Gemma throwing popcorn at them, "Have ya decided on what movie?" She asked plopping down on the couch. "Not yet, but I was thinking a Disney movie?" Harry asked without moving his glance from the screen. "Sounds good to me," his Irish friend said grabbing a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"The lion king?" Harry asked but no one said anything so he just started it, and he was named that the doorbell rang as he had just put the remote control away, he groans loudly and gets up. He opened the door and relieved the brown-haired fella, and the dark-haired fella from the other day, "Can I help you?" Harry asked politely but you could hear in his voice he just wanted them to leave.  'What a fucking pleasure, Liam and Zayn,' Harry mentally rolled his eyes, he was taught that it is not very polite to roll your eyes in front of people something Louis does quite a lot. "Is Louis here? We tried to call but he doesn't answer," Zayn asked with worried eyes. "No, he isn't, he left a few hours ago," Harry answer getting annoyed by the boys. Zayn muttered a 'Fuck'  under his breath, and started to walk away pulling his phone out 'probably calling Louis,' Harry thought to himself. "Sorry for bothering you Harry," Liam said as he ran over to Zayn and put his hand on his back, "We'll find him Z," Harry knew he wasn't supposed to hear that but he couldn't stop wonder what Liam had meant by that. Pushing his thoughts away he went back to the living room to see Gemma asleep and Niall sitting with an empty bowl, "I haven't even been gone for that long, and you already ate all the popcorn," Harry said sitting next to Niall.

"Mate you were gone for ages, who was it?" Niall asked but he didn't sound to be very interested, "Ehm, just Liam, and Zayn, apparently they can't find Louis." Niall nodded and turned his focus back to the film.

"I'm hungry Harry!" Niall complained, the movie was over and a baby's filed the house and woke up Gemma. "You're always hungry," Harry said and let out a laugh but it quickly stopped when he saw how serious Niall was. "I'm sorry Nialler but I don't think we have anything at the moment," Niall looked like someone who was about to faint, "No food!?" Gemma came walking into the room with a Lux and a bottle in her arms, "Have any of you seen Louis?" she asked with a worried tone, both Harry and Nall shook their heads. "Gemma, don't you have any food?" Niall asked her ignored her worriedness for Louis. She let out a dry chuckle, "Unbelievable Niall, Louis has been gone since this morning and nobody knows where he is, and all you are thinking about is food." Niall shrugged, "Hey be disappointed if you want, but you never know what your last meal is going to be." Gemma rolled her eyes and pulled her phone out, "Harry do you mind holding her while I make a call so you friend over there isn't going to starve," Harry held his arms open for the little girl.

Niall smiled bright when Gemma walked into the room with a pizza box in her hand, she shook her head taking Lux from Harry's arms taking a slice herself, and just laying back almost moaning because of how good it tasted. "Does any of you know where Louis is? I need to ask... Are you guys seriously eating pizza right now?" Johannah stopped and looked at all of them with a faint smile on her lips, "We were hungry," Niall said taking another bite. Johannah laughed a little, "We can't have you're staving, but have you seen or heard from Louis? I've tried to call him all morning but he's not answering, this has never happened before..." She trilled off sitting on the couch pulling her legs up to her chest. Gemma put her arm around her shoulders and whispered, "We are going to find him I promise." Johannah let out another laugh, "He'll be okay, I was just wondering where he was cause I need to ask him about a favor I need him to do tomorrow," 'Guess I'll have to wait,' she thought to herself shaken her head and left the room humming a melody.

"Louis!" Mia and Ella cheered in the mouth of each other when they saw him come walking in their direction. They held their arms open for him and they hugged him highlight also like they were afraid that if they let him go he would disappear into nothing.

They walked down the path under the rose cages, walked past the Rosen Busche to a bit more of a hidden era. Louis didn't stop before he stood under a big tree. He was eleven when he came here the first time, it was here he had met Mia. So many memories came floating through his head when he put his hand over a mark he had made, it says M + L = Friends forever. He let out out a dry chuckle and lay down in the grass to look up at the cloudless sky.

"Remember when you first meet? You were sitting up in the tree eating an appel, I was stunned by how fearless you were," Louis lets out another dry chuckle.

"Hey you up in the tree why are you sitting up there?" A Louis out of breath asked a tiny girl who was wearing a blue dress, and she was eating an appel. "Why are you down there?" She asked him. Louis stood for a while thinking about her question, "I can't get up," he said whit a sad frown at sat down on the grass. The girl let out a laugh and it just made Louis even sadder, he held his head down and sighed.

The girl jumped down and landed a few feet from Louis, "I'm Mia, I will help you get up" the girl said holding her hand for Louis to take. The sad frown Louis' had changed and he got big eyes in excitement, "Louis," he almost yelled taking her hand.

Mia sat down beside him, holding a hand up for her girlfriend to take. "I just need it to stop, I need a break... It's all happing faster than I want it to, I'm happy for my mom, don't get me wrong, but I just..." Mia takes Louis' hand, "You can't change how things are going to be, but you can take a step back and try to get the best out of it. You aren't alone, you have us and Zayn and Liam, we will help you anytime you need us." She kisses his cheek and gets up, "Ella and I need to head back to the shop, we won't tell anyone where you are, just promise us that you will text us if anything happens. And you should probably call your mom back, she's been blowing up your phone while we have been here." Louis mumbles a quiet "Yes," and closes his eyes for a minute, when he opens them again he's alone.

A small smile playing on his lips when he thinks back on the first time he fell down from the tree, and how fast Mia was by his side. She took him out for ice cream after, and that was when their friendship started. They would often meet up in the garden and go out to get ice cream, and when Mia met Ella they all spend the time together, Mia and Ella never let him feel like a third wheel.

He groans when his mother called him for what seems like he hundred times and took him out of his thoughts. "LOUIS!!! Finally, where are ya?" his mom screamed into the phone, "I'm out... Why do you want to know where I am, you never asked before?" Louis played with the grass, fearing that Harry might have snitched about him and Zayn. "Zayn and Liam came by, didn't know where you were," She said ignoring the worries in his voice, "And I need to ask you about a favor I need you to do tomorrow," He let out a sigh of relief, "Sure, what is it?"

"I need you to stay home tomorrow night and cook dinner for you and Harry. Robin, Gemma, and I won't be home before later, can you do that for me?" "Sure," he ended the call without giving her a chance to say something. He sat and enjoyed being alone for a few hours, It was dark when he started to feel hungry and started to walk home with his music on full volume.

"There you are, go wash your hand's dinners ready... Oh and please tell Harry, he should be in his room," Johannah kissed him on his cheek and walked in the direction of the kitchen. Louis rolls his eyes and walked up he was about to knock on Harry's door when he heard moaning from his room, "Oh yes daddy right there."

Louis opened the door as quietly as he caan, he saw Harry completely naked fuck himself, he had his back turned to the door so he didn't notice Louis. The sight he had in front of him was hot and he could feel it all the way down in his dick, "Daddy!" Harry screamed and stopped moving what must be a dildo, telling Louis that he had just cum. Louis quickly closed the door and went straight to his room, he changed into some more comfy clothes before going back to Harry's room. He knocked on the door, and not even a minute later Harry opened the door with a flushed face, he swallowed hard,  "U-um h-hi L-Louis, w-what c-can I h-help y-you -with?" He looked at everything except Louis' eyes. Louis smirked and lean closer to Harry's ear, "Dinners ready princess," Louis left a speechless Harry.


Made a part two to this chapter, I'm feeling better and yet again I still feel like shit... Hope that makes sense, which it probably doesn't

How are y'all feeling?

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