Chapter 12

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Harry stayed home the rest of the week, said that he didn't feel good, which was understandable if you knew what had happened to the boy. The only one who questioned him about it was Gemma, and only when she wasn't too caught up on her daughter, or when she didn't help planning the wedding, so it didn't happen that often. But she had asked him if he wanted to play with Lux while she filled out some papers, and who was he to say no? That was when she started to get curious because he whimpered quite a lot when Lux was in some positions, positions she normally wouldn't hurt him in.

Johannah and Robin were too busy planning the wedding, with a little help from Gemma. It meant that Louis and Harry were home alone a lot more often, sometimes they were looking after Lux, but Gemma's friends had been so amazing to ask if they should give a helping hand with her.

The first few days everything was okay between Louis and Harry, they would eat dinner together that Johannah had made for them, saying they just should heat it. They would watch movies before going to bed, none of them talked about the kiss they had shared. Harry thought about it every night before falling asleep, remembering the sweet feeling he felt inside. He wanted to talk to Louis about the kiss, but then he remembered that he had kissed Eleanor not even twenty-four hours later, so it probably didn't mean anything to him.

It was Wednesday afternoon when Louis' walked through the front door with Eleanor following behind. Harry was sleeping on the couch with a blanket over half of his body, the headache hadn't been too bad so far. He did take some painkillers this morning due to the pain he felt in his chest, and he had some painkillers laying on the table if he woke up and felt pain. The TV was on, and the captions rolled down on the screen, requesting another movie.

His eyes open wide at the sound of the door being slammed closed. He sat up a bit too quickly, so the pain from his chest and head shoot through his body. He let out a loud groan of pain and took the painkiller lying on the table, without another thought he swallowed the pills without water.

Louis and Eleanor sat in Louis' bed kissing when there was a knock on his door, "Yeah?" Louis yelled, turning away from Eleanor to see Harry standing in the door with an open mouth. "O-oh sorry," Harry slammed the door closed and ran across the hall to his own room where he closed his door quietly behind him and slid down the door. He sent a text to Niall telling him to come over right away, two thumbs up came not even a minute later.

He shouldn't be feeling so sad, he kind of saw it coming, but that doesn't mean that it hurt any less. He regrets that he let Louis steal a kiss from him, he should have pushed him away, should have kicked him out of his room, should have yelled to him he should "Fuck off!" Instead of now sitting lean up against his door with the tears trying to escape his eyes. If he had been strong enough to put his feelings aside he wouldn't be sitting now and feeling so sad over someone he never even had.

Someone tried to open the door but Harry leaned all his weight on it, "Harry?" It was his Irish friend's voice who talked from the other side of the door. Harry stumbled on his legs and opened the door only to let his body fall into his friend's arms. Niall had prepared himself for the worse, so when Harry just let his body fall, his arms were ready to catch him.

They lay on Harry's bed, Harry being the little spoon desperately needing some sort of comfort from his friend. Niall holds his arm protected around him, rubbing circles on his back, letting the boy cry everything out he needs. A dry chuckle leaves his mouth, Niall looks questionable at him as he sits up drying his eyes. "Why am I even crying?" He shakes his head at himself and lays down in Niall's arms again, "You are crying because you have feelings for him," Niall said holding the boy closer to him, he sighs and closes his eyes before whispering, "Yeah, and it hurts."

Niall puts Tarzan on cause he knows Harry loves it. Ten minutes into the movie Harry's door opened and for some reason in walked Eleanor with a bored face expression, "Lou says dinner's ready," she left as soon as she had shown up. "Who the hell just walks in without knocking?" Niall asked when Eleanor had left, "I don't know, she acts like she owns the place," Harry rolled his eyes feeling his headache coming back 'cause of all the doors being slammed closed instead of closed quietly.

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