Chapter 8

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The rest of the week went slowly by, Louis didn't talk to Harry and he did his best to ignore the boy. He was barely home, always hanging out with either Liam and Zayn or Mia and Ella. He was always the first to leave the house in the mornings if he slept home, his mom had gotten so used to her son wasn't there that much, she just took it one day at a time.

Harry, on the other hand, had become extra anxious over the week, so every time he saw Louis in the hallways he would run in the opposite direction, and would take the long way to class. He wasn't sure if Louis saw him, he was always around his friends and probably didn't pay much attention. Harry felt hurt and betrayed but he didn't know why, it's not like Louis owed him anything. He wanted more than anything to talk to him but for obvious reasons, he just can't, does it bother him? Heck yeah, it does, but seeing Louis smile with his friends made his day just a little bit better. Not to sound like a creep, but when you fall for someone you just want them to have the best and be happy even if it's not with you.

Ryan hadn't bothered him since Monday, but he still didn't feel safe walking in the hallways at any time of the day. He will always look over his shoulder, 'cause even though he couldn't see him, he feel like Ryan was watching every little step he took.

Harry walked over to his locker to get rid of his books like he would do every day at lunchtime, he didn't eat his lunch in the cafeteria as everyone else would. He was scared he would get bullied more, besides the fact that he only has one friend. And there were just some people he didn't want to run into.

Harry took his apple from his locker and walked down to the library where he spends every lunch. None of the popular kids put their foot there unless the teacher has asked them to, and since it's lunch they are too caught up eating. So he uses the library as his free room where he can breathe and knowing nothing will happen in the next hour.

Niall wasn't at school today, he had texted Harry first thing in the morning. Niall had caught a cold and wasn't able to breathe, he had also gotten a small fever. Harry got sad when Niall had texted him because that meant that he would have to go through today without his only friend. It was hard to even with Niall by his side, but he felt more exposed without him.

Harry held his head down while walking down the hall to the library when his head hit something hard. "Watch where you're going, loser," he didn't dare to look up at the person he just walked into, he knew that voice too well, how could you ever forget that voice that haunts you in your nightmares? Harry mumbled a "Sorry," and tried to walk around the person, but Ryan wasn't having it today. "Hey!" Ryan was angry, "Look at me when I talk to you faggot!"

Harry swallowed the lump in his throat, if there's something Harry has learned in all these years of being bullied, it would be to do as the bully tells you to do, or it might end up worse. He looked up at Ryan with fear written in his eyes, Rayn pulled an evil smile, and his eyes were in a darker shade of brown.

Ryan lifted his arm, he knew what was coming so he closed his eyes, but all he felt was that Ryan's grip on him disappeared. He was too scared to open his eyes and see what was happening. He could hear a group of people yelling 'Go, Louis' some even yelled 'Go, Ryan'

The voices was too loud for his liking, he felt like the room got smaller and smaller and he couldn't breathe properly. He opened his eyes and saw Louis hitting Ryan over and over again, he felt kind of good to know that he stood up for him. But with the way he had acted around him this week, he just couldn't watch it, he turned on his heel and ran away.

Harry sat in miss Wison's class pretending to listen to her boring talk about nature and the climate and wind conditions, and so on. Yup, Harry had geography, not his best subject or his favorite. The teacher is one of his favorites, she also teaches him in drama. She's funny in drama always making sure that they have fun, but he guesses that every fun teacher has a boring side.

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