Chapter 10

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Harry woke up to a loud sound coming from the kitchen, but the weirdest part for him was that he woke up in the living room, he didn't  even remember that he had fallen asleep. 'Why am I in the living room? I don't remember going in here last night.' His thought was disturbed by slight snoring coming from the other couch, he looked over and saw Louis sleeping peacefully, his blanket laid half on the floor. Not wanting to wake Louis up cause he have heard Johannah and his dad talking about him not sleeping that much, so he got up and walked to the kitchen as quietly as he could.

"Harry you're awake! Sorry if I woke you up it's still pretty early, is Louis still sleeping?" Johannah asked him when he walked into the room, the clock on the  wall read 4:30 am. "It's okay, but yeah he's still sleeping," she looked relieved at his answer, "Okay, do you want me to make some breakfast for you before I leave?" She didn't give him time to answer before she had taken some eggs out of the fridge.

"Goodmorning Johannah, Harry? You're up now? It doesn't look like you, but great would you mind entertaining Lux while I take a piss?" Harry looked up from his phone and a smile spread on his lips when he saw a tired Gemma standing in the doorframe with Lux in her arms. Lux's eyes lighted up at the mention of Harry's name and she made grabbing hands for him to take her. Harry copied the little girl and made grabbing hands, and if her smile could even get wider. Harry sat her in his lap and started to draw small drawings on her belly which made her let out the cutest giggle she always makes when she's happy.

"What are you making is smell so good?" Gemma asked Johannah when she made her presence in the kitchen again, walking over to make her daughter a bottle. "I'm making my special pancakes," a faint smile showed on Harry's lips at the memory of him making Louis pancakes the other day. "Yummy, should I wake Louis up?" Gemma asked, she shook her head, "No he will be here soon, trust me," she let out a small laugh and flipped the pancake.

"I smell mom's special pancakes!" Louis came running into the kitchen, "Give me, give me, give me!" "Not even a good morning," Johannah rolled her eyes at her son, and a smile spread on her lips, "I'm sorry okay, good morning did you sleep well? Now pancakes pretty please." Louis took out some plates and set them on the table, his mom looked at him strangely, "What? I'm hungry," he held his hands up in defense. "It's not that honey, I haven't seen you so excited over pancakes in a while, and I didn't know you know where the plates were," she send him a questioning look and fliped another pancake. "He helped me cleaning after breakfast the other day, so I showed him where everything belongs," Harry's voice was low slightly embarrassed so he was quick to turn his attention back to the girl in his arms, Gemma had handed him her bottle and she was almost done with it. "He, he helped you clean?" Johannah asked after a moment, she didn't think she heard right, her son helped cleaning, that's something new to her ears. Harry cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah he did," Johannah couldn't believe her ears. "Mom don't! It's not a big deal," Louis defended himself, she just smiled and flipped the last pancake.

She sat the plate with pancakes on the table and kissed his son's cheek, small "Aws" coming from Gemma and Harry. "We will have a talk when I get home from work, I'm off to go now, see y'all tonight" she walked out to take her shoes on, and then she left. Gemma and Harry were quiet as they sat and ate their pancakes, "These are so good, right Harry? No wonder you came running like a psychopath to get them," Gemma said putting her last bite into her mouth. "Normally I would disagree with you about how I run but when we talk about mom's pancakes I can't help it," he put his pate down in the sink and left the kitchen as well.

As soon as Louis was in his room he dialed Zayn's number, it ring about three times before he picked it up, "Lou!" was heard from the other end of the phone, "We need to talk, meet me at our spot in 20 minutes!" Louis ended the call and went to the bathroom, he took a quick shower and burst his teeth. He yelled goodbye and slammed the door closed behind him, he ran down the street not caring that his lungs wanted air.

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